** Friday, June 25, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Geez. I slept till 3pm! I have almost 6 miss calls from deedee! Ah! Called me since morning. I'm really a pig! But I finally reply him by sms. Called him for a while. Wee. I can't wait to see him tomorrow. Geez I’m really broke now. Sigh. I don't know how should I get money from parents. Been demanding for money these days. 11.45am can see him already. And that means I have to wake up super duper early because I need to go bugis and buy his favorite food, which I promised to.
Ya. Probably wake up at 9.20? Get out of house at 10.15. Reach bugis at almost 11. Buy all stuff by 11.20. Take a train back and maybe reach there just nice. LOL. Plan hao le. Den meet him go home put down his stuff and change. Den don’t know? A lot of time! Probably spend time with him first den go out. hahah! go where ah. :| beach!!! and and... that dreamcars exhibition. shucks. my dad bringing the digicam to china. boohoo. no more having fun taking pictures. nah. he has it.
2 days of chalet. 1 day of bbq at ber house and 1 day running at bedok. shag already ah. today I taking a rest at home for tomorrow! haha! I don't feel like blogging recently. Just don't have the mood to. Nothing to say anymore. My life is screwed. Probably. I don't know. I cried yesterday. I don't know either. I dreamt that he left me. I cried in my dreams. Ah. And I have that heartache in my dream, which is so real, and pain. Shucks. I told him about this. He said that won't be true. He won't leave me. Really? I hope so. :| But yea, I trust u and I hope u trust me to. I don't know why u gets so jealous easily?
Ahh. After the 2 days chalet, u seemed to be happier than before because I wasn't socializing with my friends at this moment. Are you jealous because I’m with my classmates, especially guys? ahh. okay. sorry if this is the case. but there's nothing I can do right. cy said, if the person is easily jealous in the relationship, it means that that person don't really truly trust the other party. is this true? I don't know. lyn and ber said, if the person gets easily jealous means he still love u and care for you. or maybe both were true.
baby I love you and I’ll never let you go. but if I have to boy that I think you should know. all the love we made will never be erase and I promised you that you'll never be replaced. haha. this song. my gosh. more than a week or almost 2 weeks. oh ya. haven charge his ipod yet. :|
bored you know. I know I’m taking craps down here. just want to make the blog handsome because it needed a long post? I really got nothing to say. no comments already. ahh. life sucks like a straw! wee. okay. daddy going to china later. 5pm go airport. haha. kay. Bye. :| :| :| miss you my darlink. I love u always. 11days more! :P
-never be replaced-
` SHPX thinking deeply @3:25:00 PM
** Wednesday, June 23, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
bored, tired.
Went to Ber place. Haha. His baby is so cute. ya. BBQ, till now, after i showered, I still smell like chicken! uHh.. Tomorrow Chalet. Betty got some problem with parents. Probably cant go? But hope that she could! :| If not, no more threesome, no more fun. Sigh. But if both of them go, till 10pm+ go off le. And I until 1-2am! LoL. Never mind. got my other classmates can slack and drink. hur. i dont care already. i'm just looking forward for Saturday! Ahh! hehe. today he free day. We been calling each other since afternoon! Hehe. He said he wanna listen to my voice, dun wanna go sleep. awww. sweet. but i insisted him to sleep cuz he sounds tired? nvm. save batt for tomorrow conversation k! hehe.
ya. nothing much now. just now, mad? we bought bra and panties for betty bday present! and force her to open infront of everyone include the guys. hahahaha! and put ice into her clothes and pants. hahahah! actually i have nothing to blog these days. don't feel like. so bored. damn bored. ya. the small ber msg me now. :| big ber is cute. ;p the way he talks to his baby is darn cute ah! hahaha! ok. ciaos. see those guys who going chalet tml. nite and sleep early! wild wild wet! ;D
` SHPX thinking deeply @12:26:00 AM
** Monday, June 21, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
went to hougang mall just now. came back and took several photos. LOL. like AV girl sia. i myself also bth. LOL
don't look like me sia. or was it really me?! hmm. i used my webcam.

LOL. -_- going orchard lata. ciaos.
` SHPX thinking deeply @5:30:00 PM
** Sunday, June 20, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Boring day? Nah. Not quite. around 5 more days to booking out day. haha. looking forward for it man! today i went for my 5km run at bedok reservior. Wha. stamina go down during the holidays! i should be enthu to run man! LOL but nah. at least manage to run continously for 4.5km. the last 0.5km. Wha. Shag sia. i took 67 to tamp, took a train to pasir ris. purposely miss 1 bus 88. wait for the double decker one. then walk back home after i alight. been dragging my feet back. so tired and its in the night, more tired. haha.
yawn. i date my sis tomorrow for breakfast at mac. must wake up very early to eat already. haha. hope i can wake up? because im craving for pancake! hahahah!
talked to him for 3 times. noon,evening and night. haha. happy ah happy. getting weird. every sentense he talk is 'FUCK AH FUCK, nabei cheebye, kan ni na' all sort ah. craps. florence also said that to me. everyone go in, come out become vulgaraties educator. -_- i be the one suffering when hes out! T_T haha! o well. we wish that both bf pass their test on 4th week, out on 5th and 6th week. and both gf happy. hahahaha. and both bf come out the same time. whahaha.
i still have that kind of 'floating' feeling. like on ferry! whahaha. weird ah weird. drunken. -.- okay. tv tv tv. eat eat eat. slack slack. dun feel like typing? i will be waiting for my Date with sis later!!! :P and! Betty bday coming!
Happy birthday to u Betty in advance!!!! MUACKS. all the best.! and hope u and pc will be together forever! HEHE. :D
` SHPX thinking deeply @11:26:00 PM
** Saturday, June 19, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
sticky, hot.
LOL. My dad and I fight for the toilet to bath just now.
Dad: Go eat la!
Me: I go bath first. Lalalala.
Me: I FIRST!!!!
Me: Argh.. -_-. OKAY.
Haha! Cool eh. I cant wait to see him! 6 more days. Weee. Next week also got motorshow. Must go ah. With him. Hehe. I plan to go Motorshow with him first den evening we go beach. hehe. Romantic eh? :P
I lost the chalet receipt. Oh well. I asked several friends. They all say bring the father's IC should be alright. Yea. Hope so. I don't know whats wrong with me these days. Kept losing things, kept doing the wrong stuff, say wrong stuff. ALL WRONG. Argh. Drunken. Haha!
Argh. I wanna bath! YAY. HES OUT. OKAY. LALALALA. I can hear the door open. Btw, My sis go take a tissue and put a hole in the middle. And put @ my dog's head. Like MOTHER Theresa!!! We call her Mother Coco. I post her picture we took other time. YAY. BATH TIME. CIAOS! ~.~
` SHPX thinking deeply @6:33:00 PM
** Friday, June 18, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
whaha. i get my dad's old scotch whisky. black labels. 43%. intensive drinking ah. liver spoil. zzzzzz. sad ah sad. sigh. who caressssssss. :| alcoholic already. ah. back to my olden days where i use to drink 1 whole week everyday. zzzz.
` SHPX thinking deeply @3:03:00 AM
It's gonna be 2am soon. Drank 3/4 bottle of beer. Not finish yet. Slow. But just enjoy the times with it. 3 days been drinking. Seh before sleep. Sobering. Depress. Bored.
I just understand something. I was talking about this in irc with lyn:
[01:47:38] `18days2y: but the same time. i really glad that jl can stand tis kind of forbidden love.
[01:47:56] LeMoNs|cK: haha
[01:48:01] `18days2y: some bf just ditch the geer say she lousy. no freedom.
[01:48:47] `18days2y: so if i can tolerate his attitude. why cant i torlerate his pressure fm my parents. fair and square
[01:48:49] `18days2y: hmm..
[01:49:02] `18days2y: finally understand it. wanna type in blog.
[01:49:05] `18days2y: grown up a little
[01:49:06] `18days2y: LOL
Yea. I think it's fair now. A guy always wants freedom of love, freedom for everything. And he is tolerating this for almost 2years. I don't think there's much good guys out there to wait. Wait for the girl to have her freedom. I don't know how long could this be. But he's there waiting. Eventhough he always show attitude and temper to me, I still think it's fair for us. The pressure that my mom once gave him. Probably it's still in his mind.
This forbidden love, I myself can't tolerate this either. With his tendency and patience, he's still there for me. I've been lying. I don't want to carry on this further. At times i really wanna give up. But we had made it this far. He's the one that i need. He's the one that I love. And he's the one that understands me than anyone else. I have think of this. I would never let you go.
Am i worth waiting and wanting? I don't know. Those words he said to me had made a scar in my heart. It has shattered into fragments. Nothing could heal it except his love to me. It proves that i still love him. Yes i do. I will. And i hope he do feel the same thing as i do. And he will. I given my trust to him. Between Pressure from your parents-in-law and feelings, its the same right. Yea, I give in whenever i can. I give you everything. I will try to. And I think this lies are worthy.
At times, I feel that I always took things for granted. Well, its my nature. But. I hope i wont do the same thing again. I wont let history repeat over and over and over. It sure bored isn't it. Yes. I do anything as long to get my freedom back. I know life is isn't fair. I'm the one who given a unfair treatment than some of them doesn't out there. I understand this. Everything is for my own good. But. I want to prove to them that i can do it. I'm sensible enough. I want to do things for them. I don't want to be a useless girl that what they use to know me as. I don't want to let them see that I'm such a silly girl, knows nothing but stupidity. I can do it. I hope this will happen. Everything will be happier than before. I just wish and hope. Wishing upon the star day by day for my wish to come true. ... All the best to me. I will confess everything to them one day. Just one day...
I hope.
` SHPX thinking deeply @1:48:00 AM
** Thursday, June 17, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
ahhh. he called me. we chat for only 5 sec and the line just cuts off! AHHH. His phone low batt. no wonder. He now using people's phone and sms me. hehe. happy. brighten my day. hehe. listening to 1st ladi - never be replaced . :| miss him.
just now went out with lyn. saw ken and the rest. we go bugis. window shop. bored day. went to buy a thai brand beer. weird. 6.4% lol. haven try yet. sigh sigh. bored. nth to do. bye. sms him? :)
This song kept playing in my mind for 1 week. For you my darlink. Muacks. =)
Never Be Replaced by 1st Ladi
Baby i love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to, boy I think that you should know
All the love we've made will never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby i love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to, boy I think that you should know
All the love we've made will never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you, yes I do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
until the end (the end) of time (of time)
From the day I met you I knew we'd be together
And now I know I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you and I wanna have your kids
Thinking never compare to the feeling I could get this
I can say I'm truly happy to this day
You make me think that I could live my life like this everyday
There's never been a doubt in my mind
That I regret ever having you by my side
But if the day comes that I have to let you go
I think there's something I should probably let you know
Thet everyday that I spend with you
I will miss you cuz I'm happy that I had you at all
Baby i love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to, boy I think that you should know
All the love we've made will never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby i love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to, boy I think that you should know
All the love we've made will never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you, yes I do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
until the end (the end) of time (of time)
drinking the kuku thai brand beer. weird. a little bitter than tiger. maybe bcuz of higher percentage of alcohol. lol. o well. :|.. been drinking for 3 days continously. zzzz.
o ya. mom juz now told me that dad told her he saw i with a guy ytd in school. say that guy fat? WDF. and wear black glasses. look so man. LOLOL. its chowyong! and he say he tot cy is my bf. LOL. SIAO. den mom dun believe . say must be my classmate la, think too much. LOL. funy ah. i told my mom where got fat. where got old. he fit fit ma. LOL.
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:40:00 PM
** Wednesday, June 16, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Phew. I'm back home! FINALLY. So suaku after seeing REAL food. The Bintan Trip is quite a meaningful one but theres things happened here and there. Grr. But I think it's still interesting because it's a lifetime experience. haha. I hope its LIFETIME. Once in a lifetime? Hope won't happen again ah. Okay. I shall type out what we did. A real long post anyway. :|
Day 1
Reported to school at 7am. Wait for the rest to arrive and prepare all the stuff we need to bring along. Took a bus to the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal. Took this ferry called 'Aria Bapala' to Bintan. The most unlucky thing is, I SAT A SEAT WITH PEE ON IT WITHOUT KNOWING IT TILL THE PEE SEEP THRU MY PANTS. And I feel something wet beneath. I stood up and saw this big patch. What the hell! AHH! Went to the toilet the wash up pants and change. UHH. My instinct told me that some unlucky stuff will happen to me later on. Uhh. Guess.. I was right. I shal mention later on. Took 45mins. Went to Mangrove Swamp\River? Met this guy who is sort of our 'coach' of the day. His name is Ibnu. We call him bubu? haha! Handsome one. and a crappy guy. :D He called me MELODY! AHHHH. Hate those girls. Whahaha. Seen snakes on the trees. Wee. :P
Took the bus to our lodge. Bored one. Pathetic rooms. Our room door is also pathetic. You need to turn the door knob twice to open. Sort of a code eh? And the lock got some sort of problem that made us LATE everytime. The last to enter the bus for activies. Uhh. Oh well. After that went to eat lunch. YUCK. lousy food. We said we missed the food that our mom cook and regretted of wasting it. LOL. That place is at Pasar Oleh Oleh. Irritating place. LOL. Went to resorts and look around. Nice ah. Smell cheese. Lobbies, swimming pool, just beside the beach. AHH. Ber say we able to stay there if we pay extra $100. BUT. Worth it wad. Shucks man. -_- oh well. Went to this GoKart. SGD$20 for 20min ONLY. What the hell. Nobody play ah. So EX?! We went to see rocks. Talk about weathering. Then went back to lodge to wash up. Went to Pasar Oleh Oleh to have our dinner. Waited for the night to come and we went back to the mangrove area again. GOD. THIS IS NICE. The whole sky is filled with thousands of stars. First time I've ever seen SOOOO MANY stars. It's fantastic, gorgeous, meaningful, splendid, excellent night. Seen firefiles mating. LOL. So cool. We learnt that the firefiles mate, they synchronize their 'blinking' lights with the couple. Cool man. Some so fast ah. Haha! We caught several firefiles. So cool. So cute! AHh! fall in love with the place. Everything is so standardize. The twinkling stars and the twinkling lights of the firefiles. We saw this old man who can see crocodile spirit and he has this Supernatural Power to talk to the spirits. They say the crocodile is 3-legged. Errr. Wonder should I believe that? But Yea. Maybe. We turned, and on the way back and suddenly our boat broke down. The motor stuck with one of the fisherman's fishing net. We thought that they are joking with us and realised its real. We stuck there motionless and very very Quiet. I can say its damn QUIET. Except the insect that made noises. We waited for a boatman to come and 'rescue' us. Transferred boat and went back. And we are the only boat that experienced this!
haha! Fun ah. We went back to lodge after that for our sleep. We drank vodka and slack around. I was so tired till i drank the vodka till i feeling so sick till i slept. While sleeping, i was shivering in cold. Man. This aircon so COLD. AH. Grr.
Day 2
'Wei.. wake up.. late already!' the boys shouted. LOL. We sleep again after waking up for few min. We didn't lock the main door and the guys went in and wake us up. AH. We are late again. Wash up and prepare to go out.
We went to this secondary school. Not the one as i expected. At least something better. There is this vollyball court. We played with those people there. Ah. Pain ah my hand. Ber pro ah pro. Taught us how to hit the ball without any much strength. Hehe. Fun. Then we went to some beaches. We ate our lunch there at the beach. There is several female dogs. Some of them are paranoid with it. Wee cute ah. Got monkey, cats. Weee. :P Then we drank this big coconut drink. Nice. Although i hate coconut, but i think it's nice if you like it. LOL. We collected shells. Wee. Vanessa was there writing 'I Love Vincent' Almost the whole shore of the beach! Mad ah mad. Ber came to and we climbed many many rocks to goto one beautiful place. I hurt my little finger. Geez. Went back to lodge after that for slacking time. The guys bought many tiger beer. 1 can $2 . LOL.
It's around evening when we reach the lodge. I realised that I LOST THE ROOM KEY. Went to report. The guy say need SGD$50. SIAO? We took the spare key first. Say nxt day then pay. We rest there, bath and then join the guys. We went for dinner at PAsar Oleh Oleh again. Steamboat this time. We sick of the food at the opp. YUCK. So we ended up eating TomYam SteamBoat. Okay ah. Can eat finish the rice. ACJC people went there. Finally saw some locals there. Feeling Homely. Haha! I just realised Chow Yong is nice. Yea. Understand him more and more. Why guys out there sort of hate him? Even though he's nice to girls but the fact is, He's Nice! He able to understand your feelings and lots of things to talk. We just click. Haha. Closer Friendship now. That includes mark, kj, eug and of cuz.. VAN! haha!
Mark and Cy came into the room and asked if I want to go out and buy beer with them. I agreed and the rest don't want to go. I just go with them then. We walked to Pasar Oleh Oleh. No shops open. This indo guy told us there is a pub at the end. We went there. WEE. THAT HANDSOME GUY. AHH. I saw him riding this motorbike. He's chinese. From indo one. Smoke. A little beng-ish. Like techno. Haha. My perfect man ah. But NAH. I don't like him. 'Nice to see, good to touch, once drop consider sold' LOL. -_- We bought few cans of beer there. And played pool. Fun ah. Go Bintan play pool. HAHA. After 2 games we went back to Lodge. That handsum say 2am SG time then they close. We go tell the rest to go and play ah. Btw, they say got bat goto KS room! HAHA! fly here and there, bang the walls. LOL.
Then we go back ah. played 4 rounds of pool. Mark, medik, Van,KJ,Eug,Me And Cy went. We never pray god ah. Don't know whats wrong. All the balls miss. All bad skill suddenly. Don't know why. Just bad luck. -_- Mark drunk ah. talking nonsense. I don't know. they just kinda act weird. Around 2am we went back to the lodge again. Goto KJ room. Drank several cans. the girls went to sleep. Left me alone with the guys. Cy was there talking to me. BEER. Haha. Freezing BEER. All drink already High ah. So coooooold. :O Around 3am+ I feeling so sleepy till i slept in the hall. When i woke up to look around, I don't know what the time. only cy and eug and me slept in the hall. I think so? .. Can't remember.
Day 3
Woke up by the guys again. I woke up and realised its KJ's sweater cover me. Aww. So sweet. Thanks anyway! Then CY woke up. Carass my hair. Not really ah. Touch my head and wake me up. I woke up, feeling so sober-ish. Seh ah seh. Ber came to the room and asked, 'Why are there girls in the room?' Haha! And say 'make sure nothing happen ah.' ROFL. He think too much ah. We have only a few min to wash up. LATE AGAIN? I didn't bath. No time! Feeling so seh, goto Pasar Oleh Oleh to eat breakfast.
Deedee smsed me! He say i good life seh. LoL. Then eat finish I Slept. Went to that water filtration thingy. Power plant. Then went to beach. Mana Mana Beach. Resort. Played pool there again. LOL. And again, didn't pray to god. LOL. Siao ah siao. Then they saw Beach Bitch and Beach Babes and Beach Girls. LOL. Then we went to Kelong there. See rocks again. Not bad ah the sea breeze. Jeremy sprain his ankle while walking down the rocky rocks. Aww. :| We go eat our lunch. Well, we didnt? We sat in the bus and listen to radio. On loud loud when the driver is not there. LOL. Went back to lodge and pack stuff, bath and late again. Went to ferry there. Took ferry back to SG. Go checkpoint and I got caught by the police. My chewing gums are confiscated. A warning offence in the book. LOL.
God. I'm so unlucky again. WHy me again? The rest never got caught seh. O well. I left with 6pieces of bubble gums. I forgot to give to the man. HEng never check again. if not double offence? HAha. Never mind. NEw experience again. LOL. TOok the bus back to school. The rest go eat pizza. I don't feel like eating. I sat there with CY again. He say he waiting for time to pass by. Later go meet gf ah. Then he accompany me awhile when i waiting for my dad to come. We talked about relationship. Sigh. :| Know him a little more again. Haha! Share our problems. :| Sad ah Sad. Then dad came. Say goodbye to him and went off.
Phew. FINALLY. Took almost an hour to think and type what happen. Short term memory eh. cant be bothered with the language also. too shag. sleeping later. only sleep 4hrs. drank ytd till headache. okay. talk to frens. waiting for him to sms? hmm........ I will upload the photo taken next time.
` SHPX thinking deeply @7:55:00 PM
** Monday, June 14, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
pissed off ah. by someone. asswhore. or assbastard. btw. going to bintan tomorrow. or later i mean. back on wed night. hope everything goes smoothly. cheers!
` SHPX thinking deeply @12:41:00 AM
** Saturday, June 12, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
piang. shag a shag.
Woosh. A long day? Or not. Went out with my 'Threesome' group gals, Betty and Medik! Wee. We meet 3.30pm at lavander MRT. Went to Golden Mile. HEH. nothing to buy. Took a bus to MS, HEH. Nothing? Nah. We spent most of our time there at Watson. Testing all the dedorant(how to spell), testing foundation, and bought some stuff there for bintan? haha. Betty and I spilt money for Shaver which is 6 for $1.99 only! whahaha Damn budget ah and a Sally Hansen Hand lotion. Nice ah Nice! Budget day. ROFL.
Went to FCUK at CityLink. Wee. That perfume. His one. Make me think of him! Ahhh. Wanted to buy that long ago, which was in the market early part of the year but only sell at Airport Departure DFS. Now then come to all FCUK outlets. DUH. Slow ah Slow. but I want it! To be compatible with him right, FCUK Him and FCUK Her. Hehe. $68 i think. Still alright to me ah. BUT first, buy clothes before buying that. :P
Went to 'Hot Hot Place' in bugis. Shop our stuff there. Betty and I bought a Tee there. Not bad, its 2 for $18. 1 for $10. So we spilt ah. Budget. Muahahkaka. Each one buy one. Went around the whole 'hot hot place' to find a skirt. Spend more than 3hours to find 1? Ahh I'm such a fussy girl. This don't want that don't want until i have a 'fight' with medik. Shout at each other in the shops and push each other. Whakakaka. And finally, I bought a skirt. Nice and cute. I show mom that and she say its nice. She said,'Hey I also can wear!' Wha kao. Act cute ah she. :P
Went back to Parco. Took photosticker again. Wee. THIS time, all handsum siak. Nice ah Nice. The only thing is not enought deco because we didn't notice the time? Never mind. Try again other time. :P At around 9pm+ needa go home ah. All late for home, went back to YCk and took my Mom's car and woosh I go.
Tomorrow I have to report at Pasir ris MRT @ 1.30pm for cycling. Change time? Or what? Geraldine say she told me it was 1pm at first but i heard it was 10am? HUH. I even confirm with her '10am right?' she say YES? And now she say NO that she told me its 1pm? What the hell? But never mind. Haha. These few days I kept having Dejavu. Almost everyday after he left. Medik say I need to see some psychologist. But Hey! This one what to do with psycologist? Its got to do with my sub-concious brain la! Whakaka. I even kept dreaming lots of weird stuff after he left too! Ahh. Don't know why.. :| *ponders*
Wookay I need to pack stuff for tml Exercise* and go sleep early. He sms me that he was very tired today and need to sleep early. And say 'Must take care ok?' hehe. Glad that he still really care for me. :P Muacks. Missing you badly. Heh! Muack muack. ='*
Pictures we took today:

` SHPX thinking deeply @10:46:00 PM
Ah.. I skipped my class this morning again. Was it again? Well, I was extremely tired. I continue sleeping and I dreamt of ghost! Ivy and I saw it at the back yard and ran into the house. I dreamt this house is fucking big. Got a auditorium hall, many many small bedrooms(the nearest of the backyard is mine), and a big garden using a stairs going down from the yard. My god was it mine? Haha. Ivy was video caming the place with eliz and the rest. I have this cat, a grey pussy. I put it in my room. It was so adorable! And it pee on my bed. It was the first time that I have a cat! So I go and have a 'glow-in-the-dark' test because I want to see that the pee can glow in the dark. Dad and mom wad curious too. We closed all curtains and off the lighs and using our hands to see it and it glows! It's a miracle. Whakakaka. I dreamt of
him and
Oh. I was conferencing with Medik and Betty. We are waiting for betty to charge her phone and call. Vanessa lost her phone in the cinema! Whakaka.
My god I'm so fucking busy! Talking to Medik, talking to cs and I'm here blogging. Ahhhh. Betty join in already. Hehehehe. So bored down here. Later I maybe going out to buy small bottles to put in my shampoo and conditioner.
'Everybody is getting wrird, retard and worst than ever' Whakaka True?
Today is the most pathetic day ever. I wake up and saw only 3 pathetic friends online. What the hell. Okay.. -_-.. 'I want to go out! I want to go out! I want to go out!' Betty is whining in the phone. Whahha. How ah. We all feel like going outtttt! Darn it. :| wookies bye.
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:53:00 AM
** Friday, June 11, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
headache again.
OMG OMG OMG. I was in Frienster and so happen to type amknps@hotmail.com to try if I able to find my old primary school. and voala! Ang Mo Kio North! AHH! So happy! Glad that I able to find it. Wow. I take a look at some of the friends. Got some handsome guys eh. Wanna get to know them. Whakaka.
Yea, deedee smsed me just now not long ago. Just 'lights out' and he got to sleep. Haha! We told each other what we did today. Hehe. Not too bad. At least he sms me everyday before he sleep. Kinda miss him alot. Until I headache? Haha. Muacks deedee.
Today after school I walked with Lyncia around to window shop? :P bought a yellow slipper @ $3.90 only! Cheapest slipper I've ever brought. Whakakaka! I meet Eng Soon to pass his petty cash before window shopping. Haha. Lots of stuff need to be settled before i set sail to Bintan. Sounds so... Pairate-ish.
Shats. A fight between Jieyi and Lyncia? Ahhh. Chill up ah. And. My god. I forgot what I want to type. -_- Zhen Hao talking to me in MSN now. haha. talking about birthday presents. :| sian ah sian. so bored. Tomorrow got school! Freaking school. Need to report by 7.30 for ENGLISH. AHH. Then need to window shop with lyncia again as i promised her just now. :| Sunday I have to go Pasir Ris park with my SSA members for cycling. Aaaa. Bored Ah bored. Head real pain. I guess i stop here today.
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:37:00 PM
** Thursday, June 10, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
I just seen my friend, Stuart, who had posted this in friendster.
Guys out there should read it.
Girls..NOTHING IS PERFECT!! With wishes like these it's no wonder lesser and
lesser people are getting married.
Gentleman and a Perfect BF !
Guys should ALWAYS sent the girl home.. Most of all GF..
Guys should NEVER make a Girl WAIT...
Guys should NEVER make empty promises.. The girl will NEVER forget that u NEVER keep ur promise....
Guys should Learn to wear Jeans.. Its more presentable.. Dun go around town wearing "Bermudas".. Or watever u call it manz..
Guys should ALWAYS pay for the girl when out on a date.. EVEN when ya not the girl's BF.. Its onli the basic..
Guys should be MORE sensitive to a girl's feelings..
Guys should NEVER neglect their GF just becoz of their buddies..
Guys should ALWAYS BE THERE for their GF..
Guys should NEVER LIE.. coz the Girls r SMART these days..
Guys should ALWAYS be the BEST in everything..
So that the Girl can learn from u.. Yet DUn be TOoo Arrogant...
Guys should be MORE Patient and Understanding when its the "time of the MOnth" for the Girls.. They tend to haf MOOD SwIngs...
Guys should learn how to SHOW more AFFECTION to their Love ones..
Guys should ALWAYS take the FIRST STep..
Guys should MAKE DECISIONS... Not say " dunno lar.. or anithing larz.." Girls like guys who can make decisions.. whether is where to eat or go or do.. Bleahz~~
Guys should Try to send their GF home from sch or work if they haf the time despite the distance.. Besides SG isn't very big..
Guys should learn NOT to be toooo Messy... in the things they do..
Guys should learn to call and sms their GF ani time of the day/nite.. Basically give their GF the sense of SECURITY.. tts wat girls want most from their BF..
Guys should try to let their GF know where and wat their doing all the time.. SO should their Girl..
Guys should NEVER Flirt around too Much.. SG is too small.. Everyone would know that ya a JErk.. Girls can gossip quite alot..
Guys should learn to be more Passionate..
Guys should be SMART, Quickwilled and STRONGWILLED..
Real Guys DO CRY.. they haf feelings too.. But dun CRY to Often.. Coz its NOT very manly.. Besides ya be known as a WIMP..
Guys should KNOW their GF likes and dislikes..
Guys should know their GF contact NumberSSsss by Heart...
Guys should never give excuses like
- Sorry I fell asleep..
- Sorry I was caught in a jam..
- Sorry my hp went Low..
- Opps.. I didn't know that..
- Oh i forgot...
Guys should Never use phrases like
- ya not angry r u? (when its OBVIOUSLY she is..)
- I dun like it.. ( when u haven't even try )
- I dun like them ( when u haven't even met
them )
Guys should always TRY new things and learn to adapt..
Guys should ALWAYS make a good impression on the Girl's Parents..
Guys should know how to make their GF happy..
Guys should NEVER be GAYS... wAhHa...
Guys should be DARING to meet ani of their GF's friends, relatives.. blah blah...
Guys should never make their GF to beg for them to do this or that..
Guy should Learn to behave themselves at times..
Guys should be Fun, Talkative, Outgoing.. etc..
Guys should Never force their GF to do anithing they dun want..
Guys should always FEEL like a girl when guys r wif their GF.. Girls like guys who can be their bestfriend too.. Understanding.. etc..
Guys should always talk to their GF about their made-decisions.. and ask how to feel about it..
Guys should NEVER always expect a GIRL to tell them WAT THEY DID WRONG.. when EVERYTHING was WRONG...
Guys should NEVER be Ignorant!
Sigh. By looking at this, dd only did half of it? -_- :| or 3/4 la. dun be so bad la. hehe
OMG OMG OMG. He called me! So happy to hear his voice again! He said that he shaved his hair liao. Look like 'la bi xiao xing' PUI AHHHH. Anyhow. Haha! So happy ah ah ah aha ah aha haah aha. :P Even the call is just 3min24sec, it seemed like 3hours24min talk. I'm already very contented and he say he need to call his parents now. And that means that I'm his first Priority! I'm the first one to be called! HEHEHE. =X Happy ah happy. Glad to know that. LOL. Okayyyyyyy MISSSSS u. Oh ya tomorrow MUST buy that dumb charger and then put in his letter box and a note inside to ask his parents to pass to him next week. 100% his phone no batt one. everyday sms, call. whatever shit. LOL. kuku ah he. i love kuku. HAHA. Kay. ByE. MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS U AHHHH! MUACKS*
` SHPX thinking deeply @9:50:00 PM
I came back home at 6+. Grandma was shocked. She said I normally don't come back so early. Well, no choice. He wasn't here. I have nowhere to go, nothing to do outside. All of the sudden, I felt disappointed about this. I'm such a failure. I couldn't speak out to them that I have him. But if I tell them all, I might be in trouble. I wish to get over this. I wish to conquer this barrier. I know somebody out there able to help. My Student-IC. I know they able to. Because they are good speaker, good encourager, great counseller, I think they able to change my parent's mindsets. But, I don't know how should I speak up and look for them. I've been lying for years. I don't want to do this anymore. But how? Help! :( I hate being a girl.
Mm. I'm eating duck drumstick now. Nice! Yum.
Haha. Mom agreed to buy a headphone for me. Maybe cost 50 bucks. I don't want to buy so expensive ones because I don't have my own Ipod? Haha. I fall in love with that headphone that cost $288! For studio and DJ one. So cool. Heh.
Today we had our chemistry and ss lesson. After that ate with those girls at mac and went back to school for English Workshop. My god. My mom is laughing now. My uncle said something which I didn't listen? In cantonese somemore. I'm weak in cantonese. Or I can say I don't know cantonese? Nono. I know a little but I don't know all. LOL. I'm such a failure. Born in a canto family and I don't know how to speak with it? DUH. But I have to learn! dd also cantonese. Of cuz, he's
made in HK. Don't know cantonese can go die ah! Haha. Make In HongKong? Thought product ah. Imported and Manufactured in Singapore. Comments? call the hotline, 1900-CALL-DD. Haha! Sponsored by BBDD Express Pte Ltd, Forever Lasting Inc. Haha! Crap ah crap. :|
Okay wookies. Bye. Miss you a lot a lot. Muacks. *thinkin of you*
A day to remember - 10th June 2004, BB Independence Day. Weeks without you, lonely and independent from now onwards.
` SHPX thinking deeply @7:24:00 PM
** Wednesday, June 09, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
He's gone. Ok. Not really. I meant that he went to Tekong for his BMTC. Thanks Medick to those words. '
at least you know he loves you a lot a lot. and it's not as if he wanted to go. he had no choice.' Yea. Finally awaken from my 'dreams'. She's right. Every guy have to go through this. Right. Shucks. But the feeling is still there. Damn. I'm so weak. Argh. I hope this 2years will just flies off quickly! He said when he's back after all these, he don't want to see me being a girl. He wants to see me as a perfect woman. Ok. not perfect. I mean the real woman, matured and pretty? Haha. Hopefully I will change. But school sucks, can't doll up much, no chance of changing everything on you. But yay, study hard for Os, get rid of Os, and get out of the stinking school. Freedom. Do anything as I wish to change my whole... *reading sms* Yay. It's him! I been waiting for his message. Heh. Felt so happy and lively now. =D oh ya where did i stop? Okay. ... change my whole self and look.
Today, after school at 9.30 went to TM and then reach his house at 10am. then slept till around 12noon and went out and its raining heavily. We took a cab to EastPoint with his mom and dad. We ate Sakae Sushi. We took a train to Pasir Ris. We report to that interchange and that guy said report at 2.30. We walked to WhiteSands. 3pm, walked back to interchange. And took the bus to the ferry pier? Took the ferry to Tekong. And had some briefing or talks at BMTC. Spend whole day there doing NUTS. Last part meet deedee again. Deedee sent us to the entrance. And he had to go. We walked back to the pier. And went back, i took 88, reach home 40min after. AND i tell you. This girl. Who is sitting beside me in the bus going to changi. I didn't notice her face until reach at Tekong. This girl, look like ANTHONY. A 'qian-da' face. Same spec with her bf. Thick square frame. What the hell. Where I go around, I kept seeing her! From day till night and that includes at interchange. What the hell. And then dd just told me that her bf is in the same room as him. Oh my god. Is this fate or WHAT? AH. Hahahahahah!
Ya. Got his ipod. Muahahhahaa. I need to buy a nice headphone. Big ones. Yea. Maybe ask dad to sponsor. Sennheiser ones. Muahaha. Copy him ah! =X NAh. I buy more expensive one than him then I laugh at him. Must be more than $99? My god. Don't want ah. I got my own ipod then i buy ex one. I just buy so ex for the sake of using his one. Then the time i buy, nicer headphones are out then this even OMG. lol. Okay. Nothing else to say. So cocky day. Gonna miss him w/o seeing him for 2weeks! 26June and he able to go home. -_-..
` SHPX thinking deeply @9:53:00 PM
** Tuesday, June 08, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Many things happened lately. For the past few days, I've been crying. Yesterday, he made me depress till I cried out when talking on the phone with him. He abandoned me once again. But at least he have his reasons but I still think he shouldn't do that. I cried badly, sitting at the food court at scotts basement. But he came back when I told him to. So, it ended up okay. He cheered me up once again. -The person who made you cry is the person who make you stop crying.- True isn't it? Ya, he got to go. Dinner at home. So kissed dd goodbye at Orchard MRT platform.
As for today, I cried again. Sigh. I don't know whats wrong with me. I met him at 11am on the dot and went to SP for astro event. I was kind of pissed off in the taxi. I don't know why, and when I entered SP, the pissing-off feeling got worst. I was angry with him out of the blue. So, they went to this tennis court to set up their scopes. And I isolated myself at the stadium. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't give a fuck bout anything. I did silly stuff there. Until soccer guys came to the stadium for their practice, I finally made this decision to get out of there. Feeling so outcast. When I was walking towards the tennis court, there was this malay soccer guy walked beside me and say "hi. hehehe' LOL. He's cute! Some quite handsome you know! Cheeeky ah. I just smiled and gave a '?!!' look. Haha. I went to find dd. Pissed off again. Sigh. Went to this 'back stadium'. I cried again. And he cheered me up ONCE AGAIN. DUH. I'm such a weak girl. :( So we spent our few hours there, I was helping out dd some stuff. And he told me his head hurts. Maybe because of the heat of the sun. I see him in such an agony state, my heart broken. I don't know what should i do to relieve his pain but just massage his head. :| Around 5+ we packed the stuff and went off. Interesting day indeed. =)
Deedee tomorrow go NS already. Sigh. Lucky I finish my school at 9.30am tomorrow. I'll be going to his place for the last time. I gonna miss his room. His bed. His house. And his parents. haha! Ya. We planned to eat Sakae sushi tomorrow. WIth parents? Confirm. But I didn't ask. But well, 100%. LoL. It will be the last few hours to see him. And the next meeting will see him BOTAK! Haha! I asked him to bring his phone so he could sms me before going to sleep. So that i won't feel that 'he wasnt there' feeling. =) I don't want to accompany his to Tekong because I will be going back to mainland with his parents. And I'm not that close with his parents so I will feel awkward. Hate that feeling. Sorry deedee. I'm such a failure. But i hope you could understand this. :\ Ya. I will miss you alot alot and alot. I hope I won't cry again when I see you go. I really hate myself. Too emotional and sensitive. Sigh. =(
I don't wanna know. - Forever we exist -
` SHPX thinking deeply @8:39:00 PM
** Sunday, June 06, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
bored. Waiting for him to go home. Sigh.
HATE him!
He went to watch movie again. Without me. He promised to watch it with me. He said it! Sigh. Time is running out. Another 2days+. Sigh. I felt so depressed now. I don't know why. I want to cry. I'm such a weak girl. Sigh. Maybe because of the movie thingy? But it's just a small issue right. Why? Why do I feel this way? Tell me why. Sobs.
Oh ya. You know Adults are just like Kids. My dad and grandma quarrel becuase of the SCV. (conversation in cantonese) My dad wanted to borrow the antanna for his new tv. Grandma said, 'wait she cant see her fav program how? all those taiwanese and hongkong show!' Dad said,'Aiya. Later we will return u one right. not say forever u wont get it' den mom chap in and said, 'You last time say u dont want SCV in ur room one' grandma said, 'when did i???' and all started to argue with each other. Noisy family. Haha! But, Funny!
` SHPX thinking deeply @7:44:00 PM
** Saturday, June 05, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
I didn't eat my dinner because there's lots of insects flying around in the house. Haha! Oh ya. Deedee willing to lend me his Ipod already! Yay! But he said that I have to send whatever songs to him because the itunes need to be synchronize? Like, the ipod uploads the song, it overwrite all the old songs(everything to be short)again. So if my Itunes don't have his songs in his ipod, everything will be deleted. This means that only the owner of the ipod can upload songs only unless you have everything exactly his playlist or you use his computer. Haha! Duh. So this meant that I can't upload the songs I want till he comes back and help me or he give me his house key to do it myself. Haha! -_- Sounds burglar-ish, sneek into his house and do it. LOL.
Yea. Today I meet Lyn to have my Jolin album signatured. Thanks lyn for queing up for me. Well, during her queing, I went to Heeren round and round for window shopping, then I walk along the street at orchard till outside paragon, I turned back. I went to cineleisure. The first place I went is Orchard shopping centre's 7-11 and Guardian. Bought my insect repellent all that kind of stuff. Then I also went to Robinson. Bought lip gloss and nail polishes. Haha! Robinson SALE! =X
Waited for DeeDee to come over orchard ar around 2pm+. We walked around Heeren to find slippers but everything I don't like. I'm such a fussy girl. Haha! When we at Level 5 Annex, I saw Melissa! So surprised. She went for Jolin thingy too and said she saw Lyn there. Whaha! Then we went down to level one and find lyn. We went around Heeren again, looking for barang barangs. Then we walked to Taka to take a bite of bread. Yum. Then we decided to walk to Far East. I bought a accessories. And it's AGAIN. I always buy these craps.

Then we walked back to wisma underground to eat Mac. Then went MRT. DD need to meet his parents to eat. Lyncia went home. DD accompanied me at the platform to wait for the 2nd train. I don't want to sit the 1st one because I can't bear to leave him! :( 4 More days. And he won't be there.. *sob sob* :| I will upload pictures of he and I we took yesterday some other time when he send me those pictures.
Okay. I'm too hungry to type. Anyway I found coco's picture when she's sleeping some time ago.

Cute right. She sleep like it's nobody business. Just sleep whatever position she likes. LOL. Okay. Ciaos. Everbody take care. Maybe I'll sleep early today. Very tired... Missing him...
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:07:00 PM
** Friday, June 04, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Oh my god. I realised that the time flies so SLOW. I've been sitting here for many hours and it's only 11pm? Oh ya. New layout. Created by me! Any comments? I would like to improve it. Spent 1.5days on it. Actually I wanted to have a theme called Fragments but it turn out to be factory-ish and i just make it corrode. Chemistry. Corrosion. Medik said I'm a chemistry geek! I put Alkane: Dibromomethane , tetrachloromethane for my msn nick. Uhh. Well, just an enthusiasium for Chemistry. Haha.
Wonder what he is doing now. Studying vocabs for SAT tomorrow? Oh ya. Tomorrow I'm meeting lyn to go for Jolin Signature thingy at 11.45am. Somerset. I hope i able to get out of my bed on time. Uhh. And I hope everything turns our smoothly that I able to find her! *prays* And please no rain! Oh. And good luck for DeeDee's SAT exam! *prays harder* I'm quite contented because we had quite a 'romantica' afternoon. Talking pictures and walking around in the rain. Haha! Okay. I don't want to blog too much. Just to announce that I've change my layout. =X Need to pack my stufff or tomorrow. Ciaos. Please Don't Miss Me!
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:59:00 PM
Currently Feeling* shag.
Whew. What a long day. I woke up at 8 in the morning. I thought that mom or dad is going to fetch me to schoo. Never expect that I heard wrongly or something. I was late for school. Dad was furious and nagged at me whole morning. I reached school at around 9.15am. The first thing I heard when I reached class is laughter. Irritating and sickening guys. Laughed at me that I'm late! Haha! Oh well.
We finished class at 12.30pm. Mr Bernard Chew told Shifah that he didn't receive the shirt design and we have to forward it to the company straight instead. We searched for Mr Bernard high and low. Couldn't find him. I called him instead. I talked to him like as if he's my dad like,'Hellloooo?? WHeeereeee arrrreee yyyooouuuu?' He replied,'Who are you??? Wenting ah?' -_-. Irritating teacher. Ooi JunQian phrase 'who are you?' Haha! Went to the workrook and solve this problem. I saw Mrs Owyong before that. Or our former Miss Ho. She just smiled at me. I'm glad she didn't forget me. Heh. We went out of school at almost half an hour later. Medik went seperate ways home. She's meeting someone. And I'm meeting him.
We went to several places. I don't want to say much. Because it's too long? And 'Chiong Hey'(in cantonese) Haha.
[1]TM Pastamania for lunch. We ate Pizza. Saw Jieyi and Genever in there. Smiled at them.
[2]Century Square. We can't find Jolin album with a ticket. Darn it
[3]Bugis. We walked to some shopes, edge for window shopping.
[4]Suntec. We decided to walk there as bugis is so darn bored. We went to sky garden, several shops and foodcourt to eat again. Have some snapshots there. :)
[5]Esplanade. Yea. Our destination. We saw the esplanade beetle again in the carpark! And we been seeing it for 2years? Haha! Since i met him. :P We walked to that near the river that side and took some snapshots. Yea. Probably use them for designing.
[6]Fullerton One. Now then I realised that Centro is there. DUH. How stupid am I. We went to that Merlion there to take some shots again. Yea. Lots of them. :D~ Quite contented with it. lol.
[7]CityLink,HMV. Wee. Found it. Jolin album with ticket. I bought the DVD. We didn't know there is the CD until we had paid the item. DUH. But oh well. The DVD album cover is nicer. Haha!
[8]Raffles Place. Gosh. After the long day, we were thirsty. Felt so lethargic. We went to Market Place and bought some drinks. I bought cheese sticks there. Wee. Yum.
[9]CityHall MRT. Okay. Our Final Destination before we go for our seperate ways. Waited for the 2nd or 3rd train and boarded it. I gonna miss him lots!
[10]YCK MRT. Phew. Back home. Not really. On the way back home. Haha. And I saw this lady looking at a piece of paper and looking around the place. I guessed she lost her way or something and gonna ask me for direction. And YES. I was right. She crossed the road and came to me. ROFL. Geez. My instincts are good. Yea. Second person to ask me where The Grassroot Club is. Haha! Few moments, dad's car came and went back home.
Wow. Real tired. I need to design my blog layout soon. I think the next will be a new look. Looking forward for it! :D
` SHPX thinking deeply @7:19:00 PM
** Thursday, June 03, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
I just told William about my past dream stories. I had a dream yesterday. I got stalked by 2 men. They are sort of pervertic. You don't know what they are up to. They both have weird facial features. I don't know. I can't remember. I was at this construction site. There are lots of rocks around there. I was so scared because i scared wait got rape or something as I was the only girl there. It was so really real! They started throwing stones at me. ROCKS. But they missed. I stopped walking and turned around, and stared at them. I let them walk infront of me first. Then Jieyi appeared in my dream.
She was walking the opposite direction. She was not looking for me. We just meet coincidentally. The 2 men asked her,'oei ger. Where you going? She said,'errrrrr. i go meet my friends la.' The 2 men were up to no good. I saw it. I wanted to run but I couldn't bear to leave my classmate behind. I told her that the men must have something fishy. We ran. This truck came. I waved and called for help. The man in the truck say 'where u wanna go?' I looked back. The men were getting nearer! I panic and said,'er er. er. bedok' The men heard it. I changed my mind and said,'nonononnonon. paya lebar' I dunno whyy my 'best' friends appeared. They shouted at me 'OEI. u SO GAN jIONG FOR WAD. DESpOrado ah. wanna gan qu tou tai ah!' I simply '............' and hop into the truck and went off. I alight at this school. I quickly ran to the lift. Its so sauna-ish. Those wooden ones. I was alone inside. Quiet. Waiting silently for the lift door to open. When the lift door opened already. I went to this room. Sort of a hostel. I saw Mark. He said 'oi. where you going ah!?' I calm myself. Told him that trying to hide in the room or something. I talked to Tian Wei and rest of them. Then go grab some stuff to eat. The room was quite dark with green velvet walls and wooden planks all over.
I went out to catch some air. I think someone called me to go out. I took the lift again. I went to the 2nd floor and in my mind 'OMG. THAT 2 MEN AGAIN!' They came to search for me. I was so scared. Then i just stand @ the railings and the men saw me. They asked me to go down. I SAY NO. The other side of the railings, my 'best' friend were there staring at me again. I dont wanna care about them. I stare at the men once more and shouted loudly, 'YOU WANT TO COME AND HARASS ME AGAIN I CALL THE POLICE' The men diam diam. Everyone paused and stared at me. Like as if i have the full power. Nice feeling. :)
Okay. Last stuff I would like to post. Deedee and me thought of this. We sort of Anti-Basketball-ian. Here it is.
01)The guys love to wear sleeveless and show their armpit hairs.
02)The guys think that their armpit hair is cool.
03)The girls excite when they saw the armpit hair.
04)The guys able to control any type of balls. [think with an open mind]
05)The guys are flirts, love to talk to girls.
06)The guys can hold 3 balls at a time (BBall, 2 girl's breast)
07)The guys want to have 1 on 1 using bball matches.
08)Most of them are handsome but have poor attitude. [Surveryed]
09)The guys think that they are pro in bball and want to show off their skills to impress the girls.
10)The guys simply love to shoot. [Balls and Think with an open mind]
Opps. It's just a joke. Those bballers out there don't get offended. Haha! Quite lame actually. :P
` SHPX thinking deeply @9:41:00 PM
** Wednesday, June 02, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
This is interesting. I read it at someone's blog. Here it is:
5 levels of sex in your marriage life
The first is
Smurf Sex. This happens during the Honeymoon, you keep doing it until you're blue in the face.
The second is the
Kitchen Sex. This is at the beginning of the marriage, where you'll have sex anywhere, anytime, even in the kitchen.
The third kind is
Bedroom Sex. You've calmed down a bit, perhaps because you have kids, so you gotta do it in the bedroom.
The fourth kind is the
Hallway Sex. This is where you pass each other in the hallway and say, "F**k You!"
There is also a fifth kind of sex:
Courtroom Sex. This is when you get divorced and your wife screws you in front of everyone in the courtroom.
Four Secrets to a Happy Marriage
1. It is important to find a woman who cooks and cleans
2. It is important to find a woman who makes good money
3. It is important to find a woman who likes to have sex
4. It is very important that these three women never met!
8 - You take her to bed and tell her a story
18 - You tell her a story and take her to bed
28 - You don't need to tell her any story and take her to bed
38 - She tells you a story and takes you to bed
48 - You tell her a story to avoid going to bed
58 - You stay in bed all day to avoid her story
Haha. Funny one. :)
` SHPX thinking deeply @2:44:00 PM
** Tuesday, June 01, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Languish for my baobei.
I just had my self-english lesson. Haha. Just feeling bored and I decided to flip a few pages of my dick. My dick? My dictionary! Yea. Medick's one is hard(hard cover) and thick(many pages). Haha! Yea same. Mine is soft and thick. Is it juicy? Haha! Not Yet! I learnt a few nice words. Maybe I will use them in during my blogging session. Buck up for my english! I hope it works.
Oh. After the rain, the insects start to make noises. Their perpetual noises make me think of sleeping! I used to hear this noise when I lived in Sunrise Way. Haha. Best memories of all. The insects behind the bushes at the backyard. And there, it was said to be haunted. My sis once told me that she saw the swing at a distance away, moved by itself, swaying to and fro. And she said she once saw a girl over there playing the swing, and waved at her. I having goosebumps when typing this! Eerie..
Ah. I kept thinking of my results. I felt intimated because I fear that I will do the same for prelims as well as 'O's? Maybe I've been thinking too much. Over stressed after the MT exam. I always felt like going for an invigorating swim to refresh myself. Well, no pool here, no gym, no running tracks, no one to talk to me except my parents and few of my net pals. Yes, always look life the bright side. Nothing is impossible. I can do it eventually! I prophesied that I will have a good ending. *winks*
I always have this malignancy in me. I feel like isolating myself. Hate the world. Hate myself. I don't know what should I do either. Would someone help me? I doubt theres anyone could or WOULD. I've becoming irascible these days. Don't know why. Felt more sensitive. Sigh. Maybe post PMS. Or Pre PMS? And here again, I don't know. LOL 'I don't know anything! Don't ask me! Please don't ask me anything! I don't know!' Hey. This sounds familar. LOL.
Time and tide. Waits for no man.
` SHPX thinking deeply @8:21:00 PM
Currently Feeling* ohhhhh you touch my love. ahhhh
Haha! That's a english song. LOL. Okay. Not another day. 4.44pm? I skipped my class today. I was lethargic this morning. Mom woke me up. I didn't utter a word when she spoke to me. The only thing I heard from her is, 'Wei. WEI? YOU GOING SCHOOL? HELLO?! HELLO!! Don't go again ah?? Like that tell me earlier! I don't need to wake up so early!'
Haha! Poor old mom. :P I slept till the sun shine onto my butt!(direct chinese translation) LOL. I'm so lame. I've been talking to William the whole morning? Nah. Afternoon. I did my english paper 1 part 2. I called my mom to bring back a bottle of liquid paper. Around 2-3 bottles of liquid paper are at his place! LoL. I recalled theres one time, I threw my temper, I took the bottle and throw around his room. He was so fedup and shouted at me. He hurt me again, and I cried.
Could you look at that outside? Thunder and lightning. So dark outside. Like as if it's the scene of 'The day after tomorrow'. After 5sec interval, another thunder occured. Seen more than 10 lightning strike outside my window in less than a minute. So hazardous. Don't go out! Stay at home! Haha. Bored. Real bored. Hell bored again. I wish to go outside to take a stroll maybe in the night. :) A romantic walk with my mom. I will remember this for life. :D
He's coming back tomorrow. Yeppie! Can't wait to see him once more. But too bad, tomorrow is public holiday. Mom will be staying at home. Stuck at home! Shucks. Okay, I have to go to school on Thurday to see him. -It's because of you- :) I just felt like I dont need him anymore even though i miss him. When that day he came back from mersing, I went to look for him. He's infront of me. I felt weird because its too sudden when he's back again. Well, another
blessing in disguise. It's a training for me for not missing him too much day and night so that I won't feel sad when he go to NS. Hehe!
Pretty good mood today. Because no gastric attacks? Ok. Better not say too much. Wait it strikes back again! Yea, I need to print out a copy of end of june till september time table schedule for self study. I WILL SURVIVE. Again, I can do it.
` SHPX thinking deeply @4:43:00 PM