piang. shag a shag.
Woosh. A long day? Or not. Went out with my 'Threesome' group gals, Betty and Medik! Wee. We meet 3.30pm at lavander MRT. Went to Golden Mile. HEH. nothing to buy. Took a bus to MS, HEH. Nothing? Nah. We spent most of our time there at Watson. Testing all the dedorant(how to spell), testing foundation, and bought some stuff there for bintan? haha. Betty and I spilt money for Shaver which is 6 for $1.99 only! whahaha Damn budget ah and a Sally Hansen Hand lotion. Nice ah Nice! Budget day. ROFL.
Went to FCUK at CityLink. Wee. That perfume. His one. Make me think of him! Ahhh. Wanted to buy that long ago, which was in the market early part of the year but only sell at Airport Departure DFS. Now then come to all FCUK outlets. DUH. Slow ah Slow. but I want it! To be compatible with him right, FCUK Him and FCUK Her. Hehe. $68 i think. Still alright to me ah. BUT first, buy clothes before buying that. :P
Went to 'Hot Hot Place' in bugis. Shop our stuff there. Betty and I bought a Tee there. Not bad, its 2 for $18. 1 for $10. So we spilt ah. Budget. Muahahkaka. Each one buy one. Went around the whole 'hot hot place' to find a skirt. Spend more than 3hours to find 1? Ahh I'm such a fussy girl. This don't want that don't want until i have a 'fight' with medik. Shout at each other in the shops and push each other. Whakakaka. And finally, I bought a skirt. Nice and cute. I show mom that and she say its nice. She said,'Hey I also can wear!' Wha kao. Act cute ah she. :P
Went back to Parco. Took photosticker again. Wee. THIS time, all handsum siak. Nice ah Nice. The only thing is not enought deco because we didn't notice the time? Never mind. Try again other time. :P At around 9pm+ needa go home ah. All late for home, went back to YCk and took my Mom's car and woosh I go.
Tomorrow I have to report at Pasir ris MRT @ 1.30pm for cycling. Change time? Or what? Geraldine say she told me it was 1pm at first but i heard it was 10am? HUH. I even confirm with her '10am right?' she say YES? And now she say NO that she told me its 1pm? What the hell? But never mind. Haha. These few days I kept having Dejavu. Almost everyday after he left. Medik say I need to see some psychologist. But Hey! This one what to do with psycologist? Its got to do with my sub-concious brain la! Whakaka. I even kept dreaming lots of weird stuff after he left too! Ahh. Don't know why.. :| *ponders*
Wookay I need to pack stuff for tml Exercise* and go sleep early. He sms me that he was very tired today and need to sleep early. And say 'Must take care ok?' hehe. Glad that he still really care for me. :P Muacks. Missing you badly. Heh! Muack muack. ='*
Pictures we took today:

` SHPX thinking deeply @10:46:00 PM