** Friday, July 30, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*


I am soooooo dead. Yup. Not another week has gone. Was it a week yet? Yah. Almost. My gastric attack again! Painful! Anyway, I'll be skipping school tomorrow. I haven't even study a shit of it yet cuz I spent my time sleeping and I'm going to sleep soon. Pig? I actually thought of going for Eng CT and then this Vanessa she taught me how to be a 'baddie', which is to skip school completely. LOL! Fight ah! O well.
I bought my k700i this Tuesday. Not bad. William said it's a 1.2mpx? I didn't know about it but it's good anyway. LOL. It doesn't even matter... Yah. I need to save money to buy the Bluetooth device for PC. I want to transfer my stuff over! Haha.
today I called William. He's a gay. Ok. Don't want to spoil his reputation. He's not, but he sounds gay. Much more gayer than chiho. haha! Great. Vanessa admit herself as 'chiobu'. We did lots of nuts cases in long john. Then this hunky handsome chap came in. Wow. Mesmerising eyes he has.
We almost buy Levis underwear for KJ. Haha. I'm not sure what the 3 girls had bought because I went back home earlier than them. I can't stand the pain in my stomach! Excruciating pain. Haha. I went back home for a sleep. Oh ya. Chiho told me that they can bring in camera phone to Tekong except no 'botak' heads in it. cool yea. i can mms him from now onwards.
wookay. bye?
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:39:00 PM
** Sunday, July 25, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Yup. I'm back again. I went out just now. Hey girls. If you want to see Matured and Good Looking Guys(in their early 20s). You can go to Seng Siong Supermarket At Haig Road. I been there 2 times and realised that some of the guys working there are quite good looking. Haha! The last time I went there, there was this cute hunky guy with red lips. So cute yah know! Yup. Not only the stuff there is cheap, you can see handsome! Uhhuh. Am I a promoter for the supermarket or something here? How much is the rates? Rofl.
Oh yah. Dad agreed on our agreement! Wee~! 1 step closer to my SE K700i. I agreed to pay installment of $100 p.m. in 6 months. Probably next week we are going Sim Lim and buy it. He will be using my N6610 for the moment. And I think he will sell it off his phone or this in China? Hmm. But oh well. I'm Happy enough. =D
` SHPX thinking deeply @6:28:00 PM
Currently Feeling*
Geesh. I didn't update again? Oh my. It's Sunday. I hate SUNDAYS! The moment when I think of it, my heart sank. Aww. Oh well. Nothing much happen these week.
Sunday: AMK? :
Monday: School again. Boring. Slacking? Ya. Tan Siang Guan in-charge of PE. Haha! He's funny especially taking 2 white volleyball in his hands. We played truth or dare in the end. Using a Volley Ball. Madness. How can use a ball to point who is it?! Haha!
Tuesday: School suck. Boring. Yawn.
Wednesday: 1 min Silent. Mom's friend's friend passed away. Nothing much.
Thursday: School. Hafiz is mad. I don't know whats wrong with him. He kept on disturbing me! Sheesh. My Sis and I went to Hougang Green for our LJS dinner. On the way there, we saw this man waving and smiling at us. Point at us and gave a cheeky grin. That was so Scary! He went to this gate of IMH. I told my sis 'How can they let them loose, running around?!' She said 'Probably he's out. But need to go back for appointment. Or he escape!' haha! Scary you know.
Friday(TGIF?): It ended with 'THANK YOU MRS TANG.' I guessed she's happy and satisfied with it. She taught us wrongly. Paiseh-isium. After school, I didn't go with my galfriends for swim + hair cut. I went back home immediately after school. That was the first time I reach home so early for this semester. I slept from 4pm till 7pm. After that we went to ECP to meet our friends for a drink. Vodka Ribena. :
Saturday: It started with a word 'Darn it' Mom woke me up from my Fastastic,Awesome dream. I dreamt that the sky is full of stars. Better than what I saw in Bintan. Thousands of them. One weird thing is I saw 3 sets of orions. And it's blinking systematically. Haha! I had my English Common Test again. Boring. It was raining cats and dogs. Darn cold you know. I saw both of my galfriend's hair! One look so Handome one look so boyish. Whaha! Meet DD after that. We went back home. I slept while he went for lunch with his parents. He was so xxx. Haha! We went to bugis and went to New World Order. I saw this tee which was pretty cute. He said he could buy it for me. Thanks dear. I love you! When I got home, the moment when I opened the door, I shouted 'DADDIE!' His face was funny! Like 'HAR?!' Thought what happen. And I say 'Can you help me pay my phone first?' His face become =(. LOL. And then. the conversation ended with 'I consider first' AWWWW. I WANT MY NEW PHONE! I guess I need to bug him everyday and everynight. Target: 31July 2004. Sis say I was smiling when I cover myself with the blanket. HAHA.
Sunday: I don't know what's gonna happen later. O well. :( SUNDAY SUCK. =((((((((((((((((
KOINK. Woke up almost 12noon. : I got sooooooooooooooo many dreams but don't know what is it. I think I dreamt that my sis asked me 'You want to eat MEE?' And I woke up, I saw this bowl of leftover mee in the room. HAHA. That was so real. I think she go enter my dreams and ask me. Madness.
` SHPX thinking deeply @1:49:00 PM
** Tuesday, July 20, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Fly Away
清晨的微风 如此的平凡
温柔的阳光中 慢慢醒了过来
是好是坏 要放得开
时间的钟响起 我不该逗留
Fly away 不管留下了多少眼泪
Nothing I will be afraid
Fly away 不管未来有多困难
Nothing I will be afraid
Geesh. This song kept on repeating in my mind for 2days. I didn't attend class today. My mom's flu spread to me! Shucks. I received 2 sms this morning. They were from Mark and Medik. 9 people didn't go school today! My gosh. I didn't expect this to happen. Mr singh thought most of us ponteng school. But i didn't! hey. I'm so god damn lazy to get a MC. I don't feel lk going out. My sis is getting more naggy. Worst than my mom or my grandmother. Hell.
I'm eating 'Da Bao' now. My aunt came to my place. Shucks. My nose blocked after i take a bite. Just now I was cutting my nails, the sound 'click' made my eardrum vibrate loudly, which you can hear a 'pok pok' in my ear. Sounds gross. Sounds goosebumps. Sound eek. : Okiee wookies. Extra compo time. bye?
` SHPX thinking deeply @2:53:00 PM
** Friday, July 16, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
Tired, Disgusted, Stressed Up,Scared,Off Colour,RETARD
Geez. Time flies. The last time I last post was last week isn't it? Someone stole my necklace in class! Shucks. What's with all the people in my class? Well, I'm careless too. Somehow, I don't know whats wrong with me. I been having short-term memory for the past weeks. Everything in less than few seconds I couldn't remember! And i lost my EZ link card which I had it replaced 2days ago. "8817251E!" exclaimed Sis, not long ago. I was typing this in the blog and it took me 5sec to realize that was my BC number?! I'm so retard. She even said "19051988" in a fast pace (geesh, I even asked her what word to replace 'pace', I heard 'haze!'), it took me 15sec to realize that was my birthday. MY GOD. What a retard. What a wally. This is driving me nuts.
Yesterday, I had 4 class test consecutively! I went back home for my dinner and I fell into a deep slumber at around 8pm. I woke up around 1.10am. I went to cook some stuff to eat and then watch this Chinese show in Channel 8.
Nice story. It was hongkong show. It was a story about a girl who wanted to be a singer. Her boyfriend helped her to get this boss in a record company to accept her as a singer to make her famous. The boss agreed and helped her in all ways. Soon, the girl became famous. Then, the distance between the boyfriend and the girl become wider, drifting apart because they can't meet up occasionally or else there will be lots of rumors about them. The girl had her live concert and invited the guy to attend. But the guy decided to leave HK and leave the girl with her ambition. He went to the airport with his friend. While waiting for the departure time, he was listening to the girl's song broadcasted live. When the girl's concert was finishing, she said she will still love him no matter what and ask him to come back as he did not attend her concert. The guy in the airport heard what she said and ran back and took his friend's bike key to goto the concert venue. He was speeding on the way there. Just then, the bike's tyre tripped over a rock and it lost control. The guy was badly injured. He struggled and reached for the thing in his bag - the ring, which he wanted to give to the girl quite some time ago. In the other hand, the girl in the concert hall was singing and crying badly. Unfortunately, the bike's was in fire and the petrol is leaking. In just a few seconds, the bike exploded and the guy died. The girl in the concert hall did not know about it but she knew that the guy will not come back anymore. She just squart on the stage and cried...
A very sad story. I cried after watching it. I think I watched this show quite some time ago but I can't recall when was it. Around 3am, I dozed off and it was already 6.15am when I woke up to prepare for school.
CH4 (a.k.a Mr Methane a.k.a ChiHo a.k.a My DeeDee) booked out this afternoon for his dinner in TP? He went back to Tekong already. Tomorrow I will be having English CT. I'll be waiting for him to book out and we go and watch King Authur and we decide where we want to go next. :) Sigh. Okay. I shall stop here. I hope my dad will agree to help me buy K700i when he's back next saturday. I've been saving money so that I able to return back the money in few months time! K700i rocks. He has it. Totally rocks. I'm jealous! Ciaos.
` SHPX thinking deeply @8:46:00 PM
** Thursday, July 08, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
I have not blog a couple of days already. Here goes? Summarise everything.
3rd July
It's a Saturday. I had my
GCE 'O' Level Chinese Listening Comprehension. I think I
screwed it up. Probably some of them wrong as compared to some of my friend's answers. It was like 4 of us different answer for the same question. A,B,C,D. What the hell? Oh well. Let it be. Vanessa,Ivy, Eliz and I went to TM Mac to eat breakfast. Macdonalds trying to cheat our money! We went to complain to that manager and we get our money refunded. :P And we got Extra money! They loss more. Keke. Changed to my skirt. Geez. It shrink. Damn short. I regreted soaking it in the water for a long period of time. Meet dd @ 11.15am. Book GV tix 'SpiderMan 2'. Everywhere are selling fast! We booked at the AXS machine from TM to Yishun. Went Bugis, den Yishun. Can't find GV.. We thought we're late for the show, ended up still advertisement which was 15min after the time stated on the ticket. Went back home.
4th July
Sunday. Hur. My J-Train Event. Street run? Some sort of community run with my religion friends/group(FD and SD) and the public at ECP. Gosh. One man is in the competive run manage to run 36min or 32min i think for 10.2KM! My god. It was so farn fast! We ran 5km. Heh. Achievement. I think ispend my time jogging. Spend almost 40min for the whole 'Journey'. So slow. We had our Mass Dance before the run. Infront of the public! And that stupid Cameraman seem to be shooting me all the time. The lens kept on facing me. And i think majority of the pictures have my FACE?! Is he obsessed in me or what? Sang our FD SD songs, cheers, encouragement messages and we went back to SSCC. Waited for my mom, I saw Tatong crossing the road. I think its him at the first sight. I felt kinda paiseh and turn around. And then he walked towards me and go the other side, i smsed him. and it's him! Haha! Mom came, we went to ECP again. JOG? 30min+. My god. almost 6km run for that day. Went for dinner and gone home.
5th July
Youth Day. Holiday. Slack at home.
6th July
It's sixthjuly! Our
2years Anniversary for me and him. Hehe. Too bad he is in NS, can't celebrate with him. Went to school. Learnt PDD account. I didn't know it's so easy! Geez. I should have listen to teacher right from the start of last year's lessons. Regretted. Sigh. Oh well. I went back after school.
7th July
School again. SLC/PLC,Debtors/Creditors account for accounting. EASY. My god. And again, I regretted of not studying it at the start. We had our Chemistry Test during assembly time. Not difficult. I didn't study at all. Hopefully I get high marks? Haha! I had my
GCE 'O' Level Chinese Oral Exam. Well, I was darn shitty nervous at that time. Trembled while reading the passage and paused for some parts of it. Well, the teachers faces were... Dao? Felt so stranger-ish. But I was relieve that I made them laugh because I said something funny. Phew. Went to 'Inno-Cafe' (Our school's new cafe in library). Not that bad. Went home after that.
8th July
School School School. Boring days. Physic Test! I didn't study for it. Totally slackening. Did E maths questions. I hate thurdays. Intensive 2solid hour E maths In-Focus! Shucks. At least i did almost all of the June 2002 paper1. Went back after that. Then went to Pasir Ris. See doc for some cases. The waiting list is so long. Waited for 1Hr+. After that went to eat our early supper. Went caltex to pump car petrol. Reach home around 11pm+. Tired. Dead Beat. NS salary from 350 increase to 455 already! Sigh. He failed his IPPT. Can't book out for 2 weeks already. But it's ok. I able to wait till every saturdays. But somehow, after he told me that he failed. There is this 'sadness' and 'melancholy' deep in my heart. I felt sad for him and for myself. Kinda moodless. Don't know why. I don't think is because of that Failure. Just something. I myself don't know too. .
Ok. 12:03am. Pack my bag,watch tv and sleep for tomorrow lessons. TGIF! Ciaos.
` SHPX thinking deeply @11:45:00 PM
** Friday, July 02, 2004 __
Currently Feeling*
And again, I'm back. It was a long time I had ever blog. 8days I think. Well, I don't feel like blogging these days. I won't online that often already. Sis been using computer to look for jobs, bla, as I said it in the last post. Finally, it's gonna be saturday. Those taking O lvl will have their MT listening tomorrow. Good luck to all of you ok! Do your best! And your oral too! :) Strive hard to get out of seconday school. Darn bored. Almost revision these days. Espeically E maths. Hard core massive solid 2hrs of revisions doing mock exam papers. On the thursdays, my bff day! :P
Yea, I gonna see him tommorrow. Yup. Happy. And finally 1 week has pass again. And again. and again. daily or monthly or yearly routine. Sick of this kind of life. I've been switching to Study mode. but i don't know. sort of wanting to slack but i can't. i just went for a vigrious run. or sort of a invigorating run to refresh myself. calm myself. or sort of destress myself. yea it works. i ran 4.5 rounds around my block. Not my block. whole buangkok link estate. estate sounds big. but it wasn't. maybe take around 20min to complete 5 rounds if you maintain your speed. :) my target is 6 rounds. and then next target is run to fernvale which is.. 3-4km apart? the blocks outside the window. across the 'forest' and the private estates and condos and small roads to fernvale. maybe it can take almost an hour to reach there? lol. or 1.5hr to and fro. wow. i told my sis. run whole hougang green! lol. mad.
LoL. I talk to ber di. Suddenly thought of Mr Singh's words
'You can push the horse to the river, but you cannot force the horse to drink'
Yea. true. very true. :| okay. i think i shall stop here. watch tv while resting and goto sleep. tomorrow LC and meet him. must have energy to do work!
` SHPX thinking deeply @11:50:00 PM