** Friday, February 25, 2005 __
Currently Feeling*
damn tired
I just woke up. I dreamt lots of things. Sorry bout the MIA-ness in here for the past few days.
I dreamt that there's this guy,wearing all white uniform, buying some stationeries and short of 60cents.(he only got a 10dollar note but the cashier doesnt have enought coins for return) He asked around but no one want to help him. I gave him my 60cents instead. He said thanks. I didn't look at his face at that time. I thought it was some middle aged guy.
After paying his stuff, one of the aunty told him 'Eh. Now you got your change already right? Return her the money!' He hesitated and then finally walked infront of me, giving me a shy face. He don't know what to say next! Then this time, I finally saw his face in my dreams! So bloody cute! You know those japanese cute guys! YAH. That kind! He put his hands into his pocket and gave me lots of coins and 10dollar note. I was shocked! I asked him why he gave me so much money? He just ran away with his brothers together with his dad. I chased after him, shouted and called after him, just to return back.
I just wonder why he gave me so much? I ran downstairs and search for him. He isnt anywhere. Was his hiding or already went off earlier? I don't know.. Who's that guy anywhere? He's soooo cute you know! Hahahahaha!
Ok. That's my fantasy. Now for my reality. Everyone kept asking me 'How's chingay?' I tell you Its a GREAT AND GOOD AND EXCELLENT ONE. No words can describe my feeling for it. The moment when the fireworks are put out during the grand finale. They are just above us! It seemed that the time slows down during that special moment. I don't know why. Simply too wonderful but short.
Friday 18th Feb, I had my preview at Orchard Rd. Cool eh. At first we are so malu when we walk on the streets with our costumes. Everyone was like '........!!!!' giving weird faces. Especially you enter to the buildings when you want to goto the toilet. BUT HEY. Lifetime experience.. Wearing such clothes n costumes walking around orchard road, which you normally dont get to experience this, seeing people's weird expressions. HAHA. We told this to ourselves to console ourselves. Lol.
For the preview, we only go 2 sections and we already felt quite tiring. ><
Actual day is super super super great! Nothing went wrong. We are so tired that we couldn't really move our legs to get to the next section. But one thing is that the smile on our face just wont go away. We kept waving at the audience and they waved as back. It's like you did something to tell everyone that you exist in the world. You had did something that leave something memoriable behind and touched people's lives.
We shook people's hands especially the young kids! So cute! Oh ya. Before we standby at the road, we were waving to everyone on the road along the railings. There's a traffic light near that road so people will slow down and stop during that time. Then there's this Lexus car stop infront of us. We waved at him. He opened his window screen. He looked quite familar. We talked to us and asked us questions. We realised he's our Minister of Finance! Someone asked to confirm bout this. And he said ya. LoL. I just wonder if his car plate number had opened for 4D after chingay? Haha.
Oh. After the last section. We were walking to one corner. I thought that nobody gonna take photo with me. But then.. 5-6 people are taking pic of me in a row! They say hey.. can you pose? I just pose and he gave me a 'Good' Sign. Wehehehe! Then theres this man want to take photo with me using his cam fone. His friend help us take it. Then.... That friend dont know how to use the fone! Liek taking 4-5times already! Dont know issit on purpose to take more anot?! Wha lao.. And the guy was sooooo close beside me. Scary! Some even gave cheeky cheeky looks.
Grr. But then, we give TOAST at the end of it. YAMMM SENNNG with our water bottles. Hahahaha! How lame.
Our next post chingay celebration will be on the 5th March. Keke. Looking forward for that. But not 28th Feb! You should know why. Sighs. This sucks! Dont want to talk about it.
20th Feb. Happy birthday to eGo aka Johnson, LeeLing and Lyncia! Wow. 3 people's birthday on the same date! What did i do on that day eh? Oh. I was at home. Had a very very very down mood that day. Sigh. Wonder if I did the correct thing anot. )):
21st Feb. Went for interview at Hotel Inter-Continental with Betty. Cfm CMI la. See that woman's face then you know liao. Like kena reject into my face. Haha cuz we arn't in the age grp she want to find. But then Betty ask her hotel if theres any vacancy. So... I'll be going down on this Saturday for training, which is tomorrow. I bought a purple crumpled skirt form ebase! We end up window shopping. Argh I forgot to buy my belt. Darn. ><. Still stuck with this S&K black belt. lol. Sick of it. After that I went to SGH to visit my grandma. Then back home.
22th Feb. Stay @ home I think. Cant remember what I did. STML.
23th and 24th Feb. Working at World-Wide Shipping Managers Pte Ltd at Hill St. Had paper cuts on that day so you know what am I doing. But kind of relaxing. Help the company to put in the newsletter(not a letter but a book) into envelopes. Then paste all the name n address on it. Total 1600+ of them. Mostly to Norway. I can even give you the statistic for the countries will be sent to! LoL! I like the part with I pasting the names when I reached South Korean. I'm into Korean Korea now. Also dont know why. I find their stuff is interesting. I kept reading their names while pasting! Haha!
Before lunch I finished doing my job. Too fast liao. I'm pro. They said that the previous person who came to do this job unable to finish. Did till 8pm+ and still need people to help! Whahhaa. In my heart.. i 'whahah wo shi tian cai' LOL. Then I helped to do other stuff which is someone's job. The receptionist I think. BUT. ENVELOPES AGAIN. ARGHHHH. SICK OF IT! LOL.
But then.. By the end of the day, I took my pay! Finally. Most probably I'll be going there 1 more day next week cuz the envelopes need to be stamp printed! Oh. On 23th feb, I got nothing to do after work! I walked around Raffles S.C ALONE. You know. I hate to be alone. But then I dont know why, after working for just 8 hours, I find that being alone is fun! LOL. I almost bought that Fila pink+yellow shoe or the Fila bag. But I found that the shop is too crowded cuz it's moving away sale.
I went to citylink instead. Went to flash & splash. I wanted to find that Stussy thingy! I want man! I cant find it. I went to the shoes corner. Mmmm.. So nice! I dont know why on that day I find that 75bucks is so cheap already! HAHA. I wanted to buy that white Gallaz shoe. Then looked down, I saw this Pastel Light blue, white n pink colour de. Woo. Love at first sight. Went to asked the lady str8 away and I bought it liao. There goes my 9/10 of my 2days job pay. -_- Errrr. For the past 2days, I've been walking @ City Hall.. Passing by CHIJMES. Sigh. Don't know why. It gaves me a sad feeling when I go that place.
Oh. I went to slack last night with KJ,ZH,Eug and Van. They went KTV-ing without me! Grr. Never mind. Next time bah. We went to eat @ CS then decided to goto Van's house to slack. Went to her house and watch SCV. Bored. Reach home almost 12mid. Too tired. Sleep from 2am+ to 1pm++++++++. )):
25th Feb. TODAY. ..... Kind of low mood again. Saw something. Argh. Lucky I seen it when I gonna blog finish! If not no mood to type anyway. K. Thats all. Going to Serangoon MRT to meet my CHingay friends for Daimoku Session at one of the participant's place. For our O's result. Damn. )))))))):
` SHPX thinking deeply @1:38:00 PM
** Thursday, February 17, 2005 __
Currently Feeling*
Just talked to Kaka on the phone. So tired. Mark called me at 11pm. Funny guy. He thought that my sis is my mom and he said 'Aunty'. OMG. Don't know how does my sis feels. Haha! Then we talked about the classes and mates till 12.30 i think. Then suddenly feel like talking on the phone more. Cuz normally I hate talking on the phone. No reason? Since kaka has been chatting with me via sms, we talked on the phone instead. Rubbish guy. l:
Oh ya. Just now.. That
him looks so smart today. I don't know whats up with me. I don't dare to look at
him in his eyes! Infatuation maybe? Feel so shy! Uhh. *Just receive a mms @ 2am* Oh. It's from kaka. So sweet! 'I never believed that wishes came True until I found You <3' Awww... How sweet! ((:
Chingay is soooo near! NEAR! I got 2 free tickets for the preview this Friday. Who wants? Nobody wants then sua. LOL. Oh. We received our Windies teeshirt. Whaha. Feel so honoured to look at it. Done by myself! Ok. Not only me, also to everyone in Windies! Must share the honourous moment with them. lol. Oh and Sodohoya, my kindergarten classmate, gave me sweets and it's wrap so nicely with ribbon. How sweet~ As a valentines' day gift. Awww.
I think everyone in the world is special. In some ways. Somehow they are even how bad are they. ((: At least they still have the heart to live and the heart to care of themselves even they are too selfish to think for others or even their close ones or family.. Robbers and Thiefs rob because they need money to survive. Some may rob because they dont have the money to take care of his family. Well who knows?
Tomorrow I'll be going to TP open house with mark first. Then I think I will meet Tiara bah. Yea but I need to get home early to do those stuff we(Windies) planned to give one another as a souvenir. ((: We are the bestest of the best. Of cuz.. Whahha. No la. Everyone is gOOd. I know. But I'm the best out of the gOOd. You agree? ;x
Ok. Thats all. I will update probably on Sunday. Chingay will be a successful one! Wee! Jia you!
` SHPX thinking deeply @2:12:00 AM
** Wednesday, February 16, 2005 __
Currently Feeling*
weird in my throat.
Ok finally. New template. I made it few days ago. Notice that 2 butterflies at the corner? I folded it myself! And then.. I took a picture of it and crop it out and edited it. Cute eh? ;p
Ok. The last post was on the 31 and today is 16th. Oh my god! It's been half a year that I last blog! Can't remember what I did the past few weeks. Haha. Lets see. Here goes. I'll try to remember as much as I can:
3rd and 5th Feb
Chingay Training at PA. Boring. The Windies become so quiet and shag. No reason why. Sighs.
9th Feb
Chinese New Year. Wished my parents and grandparent Happy New Year. My dad actually gave me $30 more than my sis! Whaha! Went to Chapel to 'bai' my late grandfather. Went to my 'su gong' house. Then went to my grandma place till 10pm+. This year's CNY is so quiet and boring. But okay bah. Not that bad anyway.
10th Feb
At home. Relatives came to my place for dinner. We 'lao yu sheng'. Eat so many things. So full. Ended up my uncle told me bout the chicken bones that there's essence in their bones. He taught me how to eat it and stuff. Blah. Interesting but kind of crappy. Like talk cock to me. But I know it's the truth bcuz I tried. Haha! Before they went off, my sis, cousin and his wife and I played DaiDee. oh my god. My luck. I lost 4times in a row! We placed the stuff which were on the table in different position to change the 'feng shui'. HAHA. My mom actually carried Coco to the chair @ the kitchen. Then we played another round again. I WON. FINALLY. FIRST to clear the cards! Coco saved my life! It works! lol! Took pictures on 9th and 10th Feb. Totally self obsessed. ):
Shots taken on 9/10th Feb. Edited them:

11th Feb
I met BoonHan and MQ to Esplanade B1 near Citylink to choreograph the dance. BoonHan and I went there first. I switch on the laptop. Oh my god. Only 40min to use. We want to find the switch. Saw 2 switches there. We tired to on it. They didn't switch on the power supply! What the hell! Then BH brought the CD player was faulty! It couldn't play the CD at all except for the radio! What the hell!
MQ came. So I switch on the laptop again. Suddenly the batt went FLAT! OMG. What's happening! End up we choreograph with BH's discman with highest volume. Pathetic isn't it? Damn it. ): But it ended with 2 thumbs up. I'm sure the participants will like our dance. It's much more better than our Chingay ones! Muahah! On the way back, Dee asked me to meet him and his parents for dinner cuz he got nights out.
I went back home to change and waited for my mom and sis. Ended up they are so late! I rather take a bus then a train to woodlands! Geesh! I reached Causeway Point at around 8pm. Wished his parents a CNY and then sat there. See them eat. Bcuz I don't want! LoL. Then walk around and I accompany dee to CCK platform. We took pictures. All lame! Then I take a train back to YCK and sis fetch me back.
13th Feb
I organised a Class CNY gathering. Turn out with 2 thumbs DOWN. Firstly I was late. 35min late. Oh my god. We went to Buck's place. Then we went to TM to eat LJS. Wow. Met KJ there. His hair! Nice colours! More handsome. Whaha! Then Van went to call Dong. DONG! She said she going out and wont be at home. What the hell!
So... We can't goto her place or visiting anymore. Damn. Then we decided to goto Pavallion to play pool. Went there for few hours. When we get downstairs. We can't decide where to go. All of them don't feel like going Ber house anymore. And the weather is so damn hot. Geesh! So we went on seperate ways. Van, Betty and I went to CS.
After that I asked Dee to come out. Dammit. Lots of problems. Ended up we quarrelled. So hurting. I almost cried out. Tears already dwelling in my eyes. Ahh! Don't want to talk about it. Damn movie. Oh. I bump onto Zac at TM. Haha! So coincidence! ^^ After watching Seoul Raiders, Dee and I rushed to Woodlands. Dee took a cab to his camp le then I walked to the MRT by myself. SO SAD RIGHT. lol! Never mind. I saw some bengs. OMG. Their dressing is so.. KNSKNSKNS! Kids. :P
Type no evil eh? Mom fetch me back. Kai(sis bf) is in the car! OMG. lol. Since when he came back de? Then went home. ;p
Dee and I, Nicest of all le. LOL. So You can Imagine how nonsense and ugly it is for the rest of em'!

@ Buck Chwee House

14th Feb
Valentines day! Tiara coming to my place EARLY in the morning. 6.30am my alarm clock rang. 10min later Tiara called me. She said she already at Outram MRT. I was like 'Uhhh.. Ok..' Went to take a bus to Hg Interchange to fetch her.
OMG. So cold in the morning. I was actually shivering in the bus! We went to Hg Mall's Mac for breakfast. Talk about some bitch girl all the way. Haha! Then took 101 back home. Slack till 9am+ I went to bath and 10am we went out. We was like so 'ARGH'. Wear till damn ginna. Tiara was wearing pink all the way from head to toe. LOL.
We went to take a train at AMK. People are staring at her! Geesh! Until she bth liao she say she want to change her clothes to uniform. LOL. Let her bah. ): Oh. Before that we went to gift shop to wrap the pooh bear and stuff for Tiara's friend, Tao. Then walked around wisma till Tao came and we went to give him the stuff.
Went off to Far East for our Gelare Waffle. Yum! Walked to Far East to look at the Sneakers' Guy. Weehehe. :P Then around 3pm++, Tiara gotta go. So we went to Orchard MRT and went on seperate ways. Oh. Photos we took:

Gelare Cafe Waffle with 3 diff icecreams.

Can't wait to eat it!
Nice eh? Hehe! Then I went back to AMK and take a 88. I thought that my day will end that way.. Until I called my friend, Kaka, to ask him out bcuz I was damn bored that day. I called him and he agreed. I went home to change to better clothes first because I can't stand the Ginna looking me! Went to take 101 again to HG Mrt to take a train to Douby Ghaut. It's been a long time I seen his face. 2.5yrs.. Still look like cockroach. Haha!!
We went to 7-11 first. Then we went to Heeren. Walk around seeing shoes. I saw so many people taking the heartshaped balloons! I told him I also want it! Whaha! Then walk to lvl 1. Saw few people queuing up for balloons. FREE?! WEE! HAHA! Free stuff! We took both Red and Pink ones.
Went out of Heeren and walked to Far East. I told him the toilet there is nice. Then.. When I went it. It was a total turn off. WHY CHANGE LIAO. WHA LAO. Then we suppose to goto this toilet before that. Then he asked me goto the other one and see. DUH. Sounds lame!
Then went to Pacific Plaza. That CD Shop. Sat there and look @ DVDs. Decide what to do next. My legs are aching! Oh. Movie. Went to the nearest AXS machine and take a look. Damn. Don't have. Took a bus to cineleisure. ALSO dont have! End up we go for a dinner. Beef steak with dunno what. Wha lao. Totally Crap place. LOL. Never mind. Thanks Kaka for the treat!!
Then went out and decided to walk again. I said goto Raffles place. I decided to bring him to CHIJMES. Nice place isn't it, Kaka? Told you. My taste is always gOOd! Muahah! Then we went to Raffles Shopping Centre for the AIRCON bcuz he kept complaining damn hot. -_- Troublesome.
Then we went to Stamford Hotel and went upstairs. Didn't go before too! Explore the place. Ok la. Not bad. LoL. Saw a girl standing alone. Looks so sad. ): lol. Then wanted to go Suntec but I say why not go Esplanade. So we went there. Walked to the rooftop terrace. So many couples! Hugging like siao. The place is so quiet till can hear the couples smooching! Irritating.
I told Kaka that couples are irritating especially on Vday! LOL. No reason why also. Saw this boat there. The guy asked us want to take a ride? I said I don't want. Bcuz I don't want to spend his money! He say nvm. So... end up we walked back and then look @ that guy-in-charge for that ride. Then went to wait for the boat.. When it came.. that guy gave us a CHEEKY look! WHAHA!
Around 11.45pm we parted. Sis came to fetch me. Went to eat wind then they send me back and they carry on eating more wind. LOL. ;p


SG city. LOL.

Kaka's Drink: Ice Chocolate which doesnt taste choc but its a little choc with weird stuff. Can't explain! Weird taste!
15th Feb (Ytd/Today?)
Slack at home. Didn't do anything much. Talking to friends online. Hmm... Now is already 16th Feb le. Gonna have my last Chingay Training tonight. hee!
Oh ya. I forgot to say. Thanks Tiara for the valentines day gift! Love it. :P Thanks for the date with u too. Yea and also to Kaka as well. ((:
` SHPX thinking deeply @5:44:00 AM