nose running away from my face.
I shall continue from the last post. (Gonna be a very very very long winded and very detailed post) Yea. Met him but kind of late due to some stuff crop up. We went to J8 instead. Ipod shuffle comes in this week! Hmm.. Walked around J8. Went to Muji and buy the dumb 4 pens. It's blue but somehow the word printed there is 'Green' in chinese. We make a fuss about stuff along the way. Haha! I also don't know why I talked a lot that day which made our 'date' even lively.
I accompanied him to CCK. While walking to Lot1, I turned my head and saw a bubbletea shop! I remembered that I'm craving for it since 2days ago and dreamt that I bought it to satisfy myself. Never know it's just a dream. (Aww too bad!) Went in and saw Dee's platoon mates. Cool. Some of them are above average. Looks I mean. Haha! Went out of Lot1 again. Saw the bubbletea shop AGAIN. I bug Dee that I want to buy 1 even though it's so expensive($2/cup) ):
So, I bought it. We shared it and he kept eating all my pearls! ):< We sat at interchange. Saw few people selling curry puffs and those stuff there. Suddenly they pack their stuff and ran away. I asked Dee. Why they run? He say probably some Mata coming. I say where got. People anyhow shout is it? Haha! Awww. Got cheated. Haha.
Kiss Dee goodbye and I went back to AMK after that. Saw the girl in J8's popular at the cashier when I board bus88! So coincidence! She live in AMK! haha! Stalker! D:
Reached home. I looked at the clock. To my horror, it's almost 11pm. OMG? SO FAST? TIME FOR ME TO SLEEP! Got my rehearsal the next day.
End up... I slept almost 6am. -_- Dee's voice kept PESTering in my head. Those 'sa jiao' and his cuteness kept appearing. Haha! I smiled while lying on the bed. Soon, its dawn. I could even hear the birds start to chirp. (Oh god. Its morning!) Ok. I finally slept.
(29 Jan 04) Woke up at 11am+ Uhh. Tired. Went to TBSC for Chingay Full Dress Rehearsal.Went there for Daimoku and Gongyo. Then make up all those stuff. My hair! OMG. I think I'm the only one with THAT hair. Because... Windies(My group) only have 10 people in it. Among the 10 of us, 4 of us are girls. Among the 4 girls, 2 of us have long hair. Between 2 of us, I have more hair! SOOOO... My hair turns out to be so Bombastic and uhh.... don't know how to say. Everyone kept telling me 'Wow. Your hair so special!' 'Wow. I love your hair!' 'Wenting! Oh my god! So nice!' BUT. I don't think so. ): I shall post up my hair picture next time.
Then, we waited for the bus to fetch us to Kallang PA. THE BUS. THE .. BUS. IS... AIRCON-LESS. OMG. Somemore, the bus don't even have windows! End up, the driver opened the 2 exit doors while driving us to Kallang. Duh!
Reached Kallang. WOW. Lots of pretty girls there. Wee-uu-weet! Got a lot of 'ang mo'. And the floats are nice. And this year's Chingay Tee-shirt is so nice! So style So zai! Look like those from FreshImp type. Design is nice. They got Hot pink, black and white tees. I want to get 3 of them! Haha! If that is really this year's Chingay Tee, we only allowed to get 1 only. Booboo ): Never mind. I shall request. I'm this 'mah fan' queen. Hehe.
We went to eat our do called 'dinner'. But I only ate the chicken wings and the sausange and long beans. ): Don't feel like eating. Then we practice our stuff. Soon.. Our first rehearsal started. I was BLURED. Bcuz we didnt get to brief where is the ending point and where and what!? I didn't manage to so call 'complete' my dance for formation 1 and 3. But it's alright. SMILEEEE!
OMG. Lots and lots of photographers snapping our pictures. B'cuz windies(my group) are in the front line. All the photographers came and snap us! And Samantha is just beside me. We kept laughing at each other that the photographers kept taking both of us. HAHA. Fun fun! Very nice. But I just think that there's still room for improvement the second round. The comment is 'Not bad. Just need more interactive with the audience' Cool!
We went back to our 'rest and park' area. (which i called that). All of them rest except US(windies)! HAHA! We so hyper. We kept practicing our dance steps again and again. Think of some dance steps for the 'Who let the dogs out' song during MR president come inbetween us. THEY ARE SO BAD. How can they play this song when our president come for a speech?! It's like insulting him as a DAWG! lol! Okay. We kept on practicing.
Then inbetween, we played the 'Ji Niu Nai'(Squeeze Milk) Game. HAHA. So funny! They got this 'Ji Niu Nai' 'He Niu Nai'(Drink Milk) 'Mei You Nai'(No Milk) 'Hen Duo Nai'(A lot of milk) and 'Xi Niu Nai'(Wash Milk). All with stupid actions. We played that twice. I'm the Milk queen! And Andy is the Milk King. HAHA! We kept laughing.
Oh ya. Then my friend pointed out one of the Hopies(another group) at the end of the PA. We saw this guy with his props and costumes(long robe, black at the back, pink infront). He strolled so slowly and thought that he got some illness.. like 'Xiang Bu Kai' like that. DAMN funny I tell you if you see that!. The 10 of us kept laughing continously! Shi ting and I can't stop laughing till our tummy aches. HAHA.
The rest of the groups were sitting on the floor, looking at these Windies crazing away. HAHA. Very fun. ((((:
Finally it's our 2nd rehearse. Our turn again. This time is much much dont know how many times much better! We shouted and dance around like crazy at the arena. Till my voice almost gone! Haha! We went back to the 'rest and park' area. Everyone(trainers and leaders) shouted and cheered for us! Wee! Then it's time to go back. Already 10.30pm le. Changed back to my clothes. (AHHH. Feel so much better. So hot wearing the costumes!)
Sam and I waited for my mom to fetch us back. When I walking back. Everyone say Bye to me. I don't know why. Was it because of my hair that makes me feel so special that everyone need to say bye to me?! Haha!
There's a few people said 'Hey you gonna have a hard time taking and washing your hair!' 'You need to wash your hair at least 3 times' 'Better wash your hair quick when you reach home or else it will be very itchy!' 'Wow. You will be very jialat removing that thing on your hair!'
Yea. Indeed. It's difficult. Removing the pins. Then washed and shampoo-ed my hair 3-4times. Putting conditioner 3 times. Asking mom to help me bcuz my neck is tired. Washed the whole half an hour. Uhhh. I think I gonna have another at least 2 times with THIS hair. Omg.
Haha! Never mind. At least I really really enjoyed that night's event and the games I played with my group mates. Thanks friends! You all rock my life! (((:
UHHH. Sleepy. Went to sleep and it's the next day (3pm) le.
(30 Jan 04) I had a nice trip to some nursery plantation (what is it actually called? Those big big flourist) Yea. My sis and I loves going there now. It's our new intrest. Hee! We went there. WOW. So nice. Got a plant. Named .. something with A. You know the cartoon 'Long Mao' The big long mao used the big big leave to cover himself from the rain at the bus stop. (You will know if you seen the cartoon). Yea. I saw that plant! The leave is so nice. I called the plant 'Ti Ti Da. Bom Bom Ba!'(LOL. You know what this means again when you watched it).
I took pictures(I shall post it somewhere next time for you guy's reference) whenever and wherever I went. So many catus! So nice! Ahh. How I wish I have one small plantation and I'm satisfied. A lavander plantation.) Went to grandma's place. Then go Hougang blook 600+ there eat dinner. I ate 'Fung Zao'(how to spell it?) that chicken leg noodles. Hee. Nice. THEN. We went to flourist again.(the one at tanah merah) -_- To buy pots. The 'Ti Ti Da. Bom Bom Ba!' there is nicer! Hee! Saw many intresting plants. Cool man.
Went back home at 11pm+. THEN..... Our family is weird. My mom dad and sis grumble and fighting over POTS, SOIL, PLANTS and the stuff got to do with PLANTS. DUHHH. SO irritating. But funny. HAHA. Dad kept nagging and nagging bout the pots we bought is wrong and this and that. Mom say 'WASH YOUR LEG WASH UR HANDS! DONT TOUCH THE SOIL. VERY DIRTY! HOW MANY TIMES I TELL YOU DONT TOUCH IT!' I kept saying 'WHATS WRONG LA! JUST SOIL ONLY. EARTH WHAT!' then sis also join in. 4 of us faces are black by the end of the day. HAHAHA. How funny. What a weird family.
By 4am+ I completed the drawing of Ichigo From Bleach anime. For Dee. (((: Slept at the sofa and grandma woke me up to go back to my room around 7am+. Slept till 2pm+. And now.. after blogging... it's already 5:08 . I started on 4:22. Omg. Gonna be an hour!
Okay. Stop here. Real long post isn't it? Hee. Update again soon. ((: Muacks.
` SHPX thinking deeply @4:22:00 PM