headache. sick.
Sigh. My sickness has not cure yet. Ow. My neck have this 2 red spots. Like as if it's bitten by dracula. It hurts ok! Maybe I was bitten by mosquito and I might have dengue fever. Shats. Just now, Medik smsed me and she said i got 19points for L1r4! Too bad my english is an 8! OMfg. It screwed everything. Oh well. Medik and I will try to help each other. =)
Dd smsed me again just now. I just realised the only place that have the best reception in Mersing is KFC? He said he's at KFC eating and going back Singapore soon. Weee. I asked him, "You got miss me?" He replied,"Ya, got.. But i can't sms you because no reception. Haiz.." Awww! ~.~
Today will be the last 'leave' I can take. I can't afford to absent once more. My MT 'O' Level is coming soon. I hope I can do well or at least a pass. =( My mom did not go to work for 2 days! I asked her and she said she was having bodyache. She's suffering from those same symptoms as mine. I spread to her! Haha! I hope i don't spread to any of my classmates. I must isolate myself in the Quarentine Room. Haha! Could it be SARS? I don't know. Well, I'll update later. I'm still feeling so sick.
` SHPX thinking deeply @1:44:00 PM