haha. yay. and fucked up too? mom did not promise my promise. about going kimage. and too late already cant go do my hair. so she already made a confirm appointment to kimage @ 1pm tomorrow. yay! and just now went to orchard with her. settle bank stuff. and shop around. i saw those 'ling ling long long'(accessories) lol. first love. but mom say not nice. so ended up didnt buy. aww. i saw a Vans Skate shoe. nice! more to guys style but its nice? $105. grey and white. ahh. maybe one day i will buy that. and we went around taka, heeren. so sad. didnt buy anything at first. den came across this mango shop. went in. i was choosing clothes and i look up. WEE. that Gola bag! i pointed out to her and i said i want that. and yay? bought it. $75. :| den bought 2 tops. $20 each. lol. at least i bought something. hehe. quite satisfied with it already. and went to sms dd. he didnt reply. guess he's busy with those stuff there. gonna miss him? tommorrow having MT mock exam P1/P2. sucks. hate it. heck too! i think i only start studying the next week. for MT Os. yay. need to study for the Han Yu Pin Ying already. if not i sure fail . no hope. sigh. =) never mind. always look life the bright side. haha! thats what i always told to myself. happy go lucky? thats great. and by the way. the picture and i edited it at photoshop

i hope it can be seen. i took the url from friendster because i lazy to upload somewhere. -_-. haha.
DAMN IT terra deserves TOP 3 for cheerleading and you know it WTF says:
lol astral projection..
DAMN IT terra deserves TOP 3 for cheerleading and you know it WTF says:
my friend can do it..
DAMN IT terra deserves TOP 3 for cheerleading and you know it WTF says:
he projected himself to other countries b4.. pengz
DAMN IT terra deserves TOP 3 for cheerleading and you know it WTF says:
DAMN IT terra deserves TOP 3 for cheerleading and you know it WTF says:
amazed by them
Omg. Cat's friend able to do astral projection! i also want. but everyone able to do it. its the matter of how you gonna do it exactly and it need practice! ahh! jealous. it rocks ok!! ahh!!! shucks. like that.. no need to buy air ticket and fly overseas already! save money! HAHA. =(....
jia jia..u wan project into bratt pit's bathroom see him rite =x
[23:08:44] .
[23:08:51] hey
[23:08:53] thats cool!
[23:08:58] ahaha
[23:09:04] see him @ the corner
[23:09:09] 'IF I WAS INVICIBLE'
haha! this song suits it. HAHA.
` SHPX thinking deeply @11:22:00 PM