Hur. A long weekend for me. Today is Wednesday right? Tomorrow mommy have to go for an operation, So.. I taking my one day 'Leave' for school. Sounds like i'm working? Haha! Okay. A very long update.. As i promised. 7 days didn't update already!
April 02 is a Friday right? What i did huh? Oh! We went to play pool after school! How can i forget that day! Haha! After school, medik,betty and i went to the MacDonalds near interchange. Of cause. Go there to. EAT la. Damn hungry. Betty and I went to the shop nearby and buy nail polish. No white! Ended up buying a pink one. Went back to Mac, Medik was making noise that we take such a long time. Finally ordered our food. Eat. Yum. I was manicure-ing while eating. Haha! Medik cant go home cuz nobody in, no key. So we went to betty house and borrow clothes.
And we joke along the journey there. Esplanade = Baldhead (Medik heard as this word when i said esplanade) and Monster = PornStar (lol. another deaf girl.) Then, she act as the BayWatch girl ah. Wet hair and let the hair cover the face. Then like act she running, putting hair behind shoulders and a 'high' face. Funny ah. Betty and I laughed till stomachache. -_- We took an hour in there to take the clothes and suppose to meet them at Bedok at 3pm, we meet them around 4.30pm! It's Raining Man! Alliluya its raining men! Yea. Played till around almost 8pm then mom fetch us back home. Went home and prep for the nxt day - Bonkers III! Hurhurhur.
April 03 Saturday
Suppose to wake up at 7am. And my mom told me that the alarm didn't wake her up. And she looked at the clock, it stated "11.30" lol! The clock stopped last night! -__- Luckily there is a tractor below my block constructing something, so it's kinda noisy and woke her up! =) Prepare everything and they(mom and sis) drove the car and send me straight to TP. Meet dd first. The rest of my mates were late! We went to ESC room first. Then goto the triangle sq? -_- Go escort my mates there but they went to another entrance, so.. Souls behind me! ;x Yup.
Ok. To summarise everything.. Becuase it's a pretty long day! We started off to Tampines Stadium. Rushed there by taxi! Saw many people took the bus lol! Then ran to central there to take a train to Kallang i think. Argh i can't remember already. Went to take a cab down to padang. Then to esplanade. We went to the clifford pier. Wrong place ah. the Marina Deck is suppose to be somewhere else (talk about this later) Then take the same cab to Youth Club there, then Hong Kim Park? Then to the Delta Hockey Field there. Alighted, take a train to Jurong. Was is Jurong? omg forgot. Took a cab to CCK park. Damn that place. Waste of time -_-. Ok. This part. When we trying to get a cab down to Bedok, the taxi came and one of the team came out. We took the same old cab as them. The taxi driver talked about their journey. And he mention Mount Faber. Omg? The Marina Deck was there! And one shyt thing is that team earlier on is the last item at CCK. But lucky that CCK there waste alot of time one. So we quickly rushed to Mt Faber and then down to bedok and develop the pictures. While waiting, eat at BK. Then collect the photos and took a cab back to TP. And guess what! We got Third!! Aw. the 2nd team is 10mins+ earlier than us. Grr. O well. At least we made it! Wee! Here is the medal we got it:

Haha! Action ah! =x Here is the pictures i took:

Yea. Went to dd hse and wait for him to bath and he go BBQ i go home. Reached around 8plus almost 9. =)
My nail Color on that day. Hur.
April 04 Sunday
Nothing much. Went to Grandma place and IKEA. AMK after that. Bought hair clips ;d
April 05 Monday
School again. Bored ah. Trying to study but i can't! Duh. Medik and Liping was late for school. They can't go back school because already got the green form(2nd warning) already! So, they went home ah! LoL! Nothing special ah. After school Betty and I were damn hungry. Craving for food! Went to macdonalds at TM. No coupons! Ended up spending the exact amount. Broke already. Been spending much -_- Meet dd after that. He seemed so sad. He don't wanna tell me. O well. =( Send him home first. Ending up goto his house till 6.30pm. Went home after that. By the way. These pictures. The Message i sent to medik. See it. =)

About BFF. =) About CT Stuff :P And lastly, My nail color on that day till now..
April 06 Tuesday
School is getting fun! I think and i hope so. LoL! Nothing again. Life sucks. =/ Went to dd house till 7pm+ then went home. =)
Anyway.. Happy 1.75 Years Anniversary For Me and DD Together Forever! Yea. It's been 1 year and 9mths. I felt we are getting much more closer already =) Love ya always! 060702.184
April 07 Wednesday
Ok. Finally i reach this date. Today! Nothing actually. LoL! Slack in Class. I don't know whats wrong with the guys in class. After since Mrs Tan(issit? I forgot the name. Our Relieve Geog Teacher) came and everyone is Clapping and Clapping. Noisy ah! and Speaking of this tone. Medik said: "You wanna fight ah. Come ah. Fight ah. Talk So much for what. Fight ah. Thought i scared ah" LOL. We been repeating this over and over thru out the day :P
Yea. Went for POA remedial after school. Disposal Account,Machinery and Provision of Depreciation account. LOL. And during our school lessons, Suspense Account! :P Crazy ah. -_- Anyway i gonna skip tomorrow's history test. Took a day leave as i said earlier on. =) Went to KK hospital just now. Hur. And now. I just wanna say is.. My fingers are tired! "The feeling in my fingers... The feeling in my toes...." lol! Sucha long post. "Ooooo.. Sucha beautiful way.. To break My heart...." Hur. Crazy already. YOU WANNA FIGHT AH. COME LA. FIGHT LA =x kie. gones! try to study later or tomorrow. =) Medik: "BOOYA!"
` SHPX thinking deeply @10:27:00 PM