** Saturday, April 10, 2004 __

Currently Feeling*


Yup. Mom had just discharge from hospital yesterday noon. She gotta rest for around 3 weeks :) And my appitite grown alot over the last 2 days. And i been staying at home since wednesday. for the 3 days just spent my whole day at the hospital accompany my mom. just done my homework. almost complete. gonna start on revision soon. ya. hopefully i will have the wisdom to be serious in my work. but o well. it's always when there is a event/holiday coming on and made me stop work and slack. yea. Eg. School Sports day, good friday, school fire drill. bla bla bla.

anyway the picture at the top of this page. i just did it last night. the japanese words are the 6 meanings of ILLUSION. yea. quite a simple design isnt it? i still working on how to do(or maybe not started? lol) those Icongraphy/typography. but it seemed that i couldnt find it in the net?! maybe i'll ask deedee to borrow the books from his school's library. :) yea. gotta work on some portfolios soon. hur. yea and below is some little editing of the moon from deedee telescope. distored them. lol.

The relection of the moon in the water. There is 2 ripples on the water. And the reflections of thin layers of clouds. Probably it can't be seen clearly. =)

` SHPX thinking deeply @1:24:00 PM