yea. today got history CT. kinda sucked up in that. medick didn't go for the test! abandoned us ~.~ went to deedee place immediately. went there and sleep for almost 5hours! wake up damn shag ah. haha.. anyway have fun! lol. watched vcd and around 6.30pm i went back as he going to meet his mom for dinner. yup. thats all. and by the way, the food i ate is stale! darn it. my tummy is sort of 'dying'. it's crying for help. LOL. uhh. sob. yea. hope all conflicts will solve yea. life is getting bored w/o those girls indeed. =/
oh yea. remembered the second last post i wrote that something weird happened that evening? i forgot to mention it yesterday. well it goes like this.
i was walking home with my sister around 8pm after school. i saw this grey and white cat in a corner. i went to 'meow' at it. and it replied 'hehehehehehe' i was shocked! i couldn't believe what i heard. i tried meowing at it again and it still reply 'hehehehe' several times. it's facial expression was weird. my sis and I was so scared and ran back home. i told my mom and dad about this. they said it might be some spirit enter into the cat's body. isn't its weird that a cat able to laugh at you in a mystrious way? geez.. =/
` SHPX thinking deeply @8:29:00 PM